How to read your MT bill

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Your 1st bill

Your First Bill is charged on a pro rata basis i.e you will pay no. of week since my.t home was installed and 2nd month in advance.

For example: If your my.t home was installed on the 15th March 2016, your 1st bill will include half-month rental (from 15th March 2016 to 31st March 2016) and 2nd month in advance (i.e. the full month rental for April)

You can view, download, print and pay your bill online here.

Bill details

  • 1
    Name: Name and address of the customer
  • 2
    VAT REG NO.: Customer VAT Registration No., and the serial number if customer is VAT registered
  • 3
    Date of bill: Date when the bill was issued
  • 4
    Month: Billing Month
  • 5
    Period: Period of consumption of calls
  • 6
    Customer Acc. No: Account number of customer
  • 7
    Service Number: Abbrev. + Your Number
    Abbrev: Abbreviations for different products / services are:
    • Telephone: TLP
    • International Leased Circuit: IL
    • Telex: TLX
    • Leased Circuit: LC
    • Mauridata: PSX
    • Telegram: TLG
    • ...and many more
  • 8
    Bill Number: Reference number for the invoice
  • 9
    Balance of Previous Bill: Amount still due when last bill was issued
  • 10
    Amount Debited: Any further claims made since last bill was issued
  • 11
    Payments received / Credit Adjustments:
    All payments received or credit adjustments made since last bill was issued
  • 12
    Amount still due as at: Arrears as at date of issue of bill
  • 13
    Detailed rental: Rental of specific products /services for a given period, claimed one month in advance
  • 14
    Domestic calls: All domestic calls for the billing month
  • 15
    Nb.: Number of calls made; Duration: Total duration of calls
  • 16
    International calls: All international calls for the billing month
  • 17
    Other charges:
    In this section, the following are shown:
    Services such as Audiotex, Internet, etc are listed with corresponding number of calls, duration and amount
    Tickets: additional claims such as installation fee, transfer fee, etc...
  • 18
    VAT %: This column shows the % of VAT applicable to this item
  • 19
    Total amount for the period (before VAT): Sub total of the bill prior to applying VAT
  • 20
    Value Added Tax: Amount of VAT claimed
  • 21
    Total amount inclusive of VAT: Sum of 19 and 20 above
  • 22
    "If payment is...": This indicates that if bill is not settled by the specified date, the applicable surcharge will be claimed.
  • 23
    Total amount due: Total claim inclusive of VAT and all outstanding amounts as at date of issue of bill i.e. Sum of 12 and 21 above
  • 24
    This section is reserved for general messages
  • 25
    This section is reserved for messages towards specific customers
  • 26
    Summary of the whole bill
  • 27
    QR Code: Scan & pay by using my.t money

  • 1
    Period billed: 21 Jan to 20 Feb
  • 2
    Fixed Line: pro-rated rental from 14th to 20th Feb
  • 3
    Fixed Line: 1 month advanced billing
  • 4
    TV & Fibre Internet: 1 month advanced billing
  • 5
    Discovery Pack: Pro-rated rental from 14th to 20th Feb
  • 6
    TV & Fibre Internet: Pro-rated rental from 14th to 20th Feb
  • 7
    Discovery Pack: 1 month advanced billing
  • 8
    Installation fee worth Rs 1,500 (VAT incl)
  • 9
    Security deposit worth Rs 1,000

  • 1
    Period billed: 14 Feb – 13 Mar
  • 2
    Fixed Line: Monthly rental
  • 3
    Bollywood Pack: Pro-rated rental from 9th to 13th Mar
  • 4
    Bollywood Pack: 1 month advanced billing
  • 5
    TV & Fibre Internet: 1 month advanced billing
  • 6
    TV & Fibre Internet: Pro-rated rental from 9th to 13th Mar
  • 7
    Installation fee worth Rs 1,500 (VAT incl)
  • 8
    Bollywood Pack: Free rental promo

  • 1
    Period billed: 14 Feb – 13 Mar
  • 2
    Fixed Line: Monthly rental
  • 3
    TV & Fibre Internet: 1 month advanced billing
  • 4
    TV & Fibre Internet : Pro-rated rental from 10th to 13th Mar
  • 5
    TV & Fibre Internet: Refund pro-rata for previous subscription

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