Application Design Articles & Videos

  • How to Increase the Visibility of Error Messages

    Error messages can be a crucial point in the user experience. To be effective, they must be clearly visible, which can be accomplished by displaying them close to the error's source, using noticeable, redundant, and accessible indicators, designing them based on their impact, and avoiding displaying them prematurely.

  • Power Law of Learning: How to Launch New Designs Successfully

    Time on task decreases with the number of times the task has been performed in the past. As a result, a new version of an app translates into a temporary productivity loss for its users.

  • Indicators, Validations, and Notifications: Pick the Correct Communication Option

    Status feedback is crucial to the success of any system. Knowing when to use 3 common communication methods is key to supporting users.

  • Should You Build a Smartwatch App?

    Applications native to smartwatch operating systems get used the most. Just because a new smartwatch app could offer basic functionality, it does not mean that users will find it valuable.

  • 6 Types of Useful Smartwatch Interactions

    Smartwatches are for more than just receiving notifications and tracking steps. They afford at least 6 different types of interactions that users find useful.

  • An Error Messages Scoring Rubric

    Identify UX problems with error messages consistently and effectively using a scoring rubric based on established usability best practices for error messages.

  • Error-Message Guidelines

    Design effective error messages by ensuring they are highly visible, provide constructive communication, and respect user effort.

  • Onboarding Tutorials vs. Contextual Help

    Tutorials interrupt users, don’t necessarily improve task performance, and are quickly forgotten. Contextual help signals can avoid these pitfalls but require unintrusive ways to activate.

  • CASTLE Framework for Productivity/Workplace Applications

    The HEART framework is great for B2C products but is lacking for workplace applications where users cannot choose the product. CASTLE offers a complementary assessment framework for UX that focuses on the needs of internal product teams.

  • It’s Time We Addressed Time-Zone Selectors

    Users often struggle to find their time zone from a time-zone selector. Where possible, locate users’ time zones for them, organize time zones alphabetically in a dropdown, and allow users to search by city and country.

  • 3 Strategies for Managing Visual Complexity in Applications and Websites

    In application design, prevent users from being overwhelmed by putting things in predictable places, using a clear visual hierarchy, and taking advantage of progressive disclosure.

  • Empty States in Application Design: 3 Guidelines

    Well-designed empty states in applications can help increase user confidence, improve system learnability, and help users get started with key tasks quickly.

  • Fitts's Law and Its Applications in UX

    The movement time to a target depends on the size of the target and the distance to the target.

  • Progressive Disclosure

    To reduce complexity in a user interface, employ progressive disclosure to defer secondary options to a subsidiary screen. This focuses users' attention on the primary options, which are the only ones shown by default.

  • Designing for Long Waits in Applications: 3 Guidelines

    3 guidelines help mitigate the frustrations users often feel during long waits experienced in complex applications.

  • Data Tables: Four Major User Tasks

    Table design should support four common user tasks: find records that fit specific criteria, compare data, view/edit/add a single row’s data, and take actions on records.

  • Making Design Improvements vs. Upsetting Established Users

    Even if a design change improves the overall user experience, it can frustrate existing users who are used to things working a certain way.

  • 3 Ways to Level Up Your Visual Design Skills

    Designers, researchers, and generalists alike can improve their visual design skills through creative exercises focused on identification, replication, or exploration.

  • The Aesthetic Usability Effect and Prioritizing Appearance vs. Functionality

    Users believe that designs that look good also work well, and UX should take advantage of this. But don't make aesthetic usability lead you astray as a designer, because the UI must actually work well for long-term success.

  • Short-Term Memory Limitations Impact User Interface Design

    People can only hold a small amount of information in their short-term memory, which fades fast. These facts impact most aspects of screen design and dictate many usability guidelines.

  • How to Increase the Visibility of Error Messages

    Error messages can be a crucial point in the user experience. To be effective, they must be clearly visible, which can be accomplished by displaying them close to the error's source, using noticeable, redundant, and accessible indicators, designing them based on their impact, and avoiding displaying them prematurely.

  • Power Law of Learning: How to Launch New Designs Successfully

    Time on task decreases with the number of times the task has been performed in the past. As a result, a new version of an app translates into a temporary productivity loss for its users.

  • 3 Strategies for Managing Visual Complexity in Applications and Websites

    In application design, prevent users from being overwhelmed by putting things in predictable places, using a clear visual hierarchy, and taking advantage of progressive disclosure.

  • Empty States in Application Design: 3 Guidelines

    Well-designed empty states in applications can help increase user confidence, improve system learnability, and help users get started with key tasks quickly.

  • Progressive Disclosure

    To reduce complexity in a user interface, employ progressive disclosure to defer secondary options to a subsidiary screen. This focuses users' attention on the primary options, which are the only ones shown by default.

  • Designing for Long Waits in Applications: 3 Guidelines

    3 guidelines help mitigate the frustrations users often feel during long waits experienced in complex applications.

  • Making Design Improvements vs. Upsetting Established Users

    Even if a design change improves the overall user experience, it can frustrate existing users who are used to things working a certain way.

  • 3 Ways to Level Up Your Visual Design Skills

    Designers, researchers, and generalists alike can improve their visual design skills through creative exercises focused on identification, replication, or exploration.

  • The Aesthetic Usability Effect and Prioritizing Appearance vs. Functionality

    Users believe that designs that look good also work well, and UX should take advantage of this. But don't make aesthetic usability lead you astray as a designer, because the UI must actually work well for long-term success.

  • Short-Term Memory Limitations Impact User Interface Design

    People can only hold a small amount of information in their short-term memory, which fades fast. These facts impact most aspects of screen design and dictate many usability guidelines.

  • Using Fitts's Law to Make Links and Buttons Easier to Click

    Fitts's Law describes how long time it takes to click a target, based on the distance to the target and its size. Use this information to make buttons and links faster to click.

  • 3 Ways to Onboard New Users

    How to familiarize users with new user interfaces? Onboarding techniques include feature promotion, customization, and instructions. All must be kept simple.

  • Tooltips in the User Interface

    Tooltips are small user-triggered popups that explain UI elements when the user points to something. They are useful, but don't use them for critical information.

  • Designing Complex Applications: A Framework

    5 different sources of UX complexity help explain and analyze the special design issues in complex applications.

  • Product Redesigns: Incremental or Overhaul

    Redesigning a user interface can be done in many smaller incremental releases or as one big complete redo. Big change is risky but necessary in 3 cases.

  • Workplace Application Usability

    Enterprise applications that support work often do so poorly and have bad user experience. The usability requirements and tradeoffs for workplace app design are different from consumer apps.

  • Onboarding: Skip it When Possible

    Onboarding instructions that users must digest before they start using an app or other product require attention and effort and thus reduce usability. They should be avoided as much as possible.

  • UX Animations

    Animations can make user interfaces both easier and nicer to use, but the timing has to be right, as we demonstrate in this video. Many other details also contribute to the quality of animation in the user experience.

  • Time to Make Tech Work

    Users waste unacceptably much time struggling with computer bugs. Users' mental models suffer when systems don't work as advertised, leading people to question their understanding of the UX.

  • Data Visualizations for Dashboards

    To enable fast and reliable understanding of data shown on dashboard overviews, use visualization styles that work with human preattentive visual processing.

  • Indicators, Validations, and Notifications: Pick the Correct Communication Option

    Status feedback is crucial to the success of any system. Knowing when to use 3 common communication methods is key to supporting users.

  • Should You Build a Smartwatch App?

    Applications native to smartwatch operating systems get used the most. Just because a new smartwatch app could offer basic functionality, it does not mean that users will find it valuable.

  • 6 Types of Useful Smartwatch Interactions

    Smartwatches are for more than just receiving notifications and tracking steps. They afford at least 6 different types of interactions that users find useful.

  • An Error Messages Scoring Rubric

    Identify UX problems with error messages consistently and effectively using a scoring rubric based on established usability best practices for error messages.

  • Error-Message Guidelines

    Design effective error messages by ensuring they are highly visible, provide constructive communication, and respect user effort.

  • Onboarding Tutorials vs. Contextual Help

    Tutorials interrupt users, don’t necessarily improve task performance, and are quickly forgotten. Contextual help signals can avoid these pitfalls but require unintrusive ways to activate.

  • CASTLE Framework for Productivity/Workplace Applications

    The HEART framework is great for B2C products but is lacking for workplace applications where users cannot choose the product. CASTLE offers a complementary assessment framework for UX that focuses on the needs of internal product teams.

  • It’s Time We Addressed Time-Zone Selectors

    Users often struggle to find their time zone from a time-zone selector. Where possible, locate users’ time zones for them, organize time zones alphabetically in a dropdown, and allow users to search by city and country.

  • Fitts's Law and Its Applications in UX

    The movement time to a target depends on the size of the target and the distance to the target.

  • Data Tables: Four Major User Tasks

    Table design should support four common user tasks: find records that fit specific criteria, compare data, view/edit/add a single row’s data, and take actions on records.

  • Designing for Long Waits and Interruptions: Mitigating Breaks in Workflow in Complex Application Design

    5 guidelines help users tolerate the long waits and frequent interruptions that are typical of complex workflows.

  • Feature Checklists Are Not Enough: How to Avoid Making Bad Software

    A good design relies on a thorough task analysis of the steps required to complete a task, as well as determining what information users need at each step.

  • 8 Design Guidelines for Complex Applications

    Despite great diversity in the workflows and end users supported by complex applications, these 8 design guidelines are generally applicable.

  • State-Switch Controls: The Infamous Case of the "Mute" Button

    On–off controls that switch between two different system states need to clearly communicate to users both the current state and the state the system will move to, should the user press that control.

  • Complex Application Design: A 5-Layer Framework

    Various contexts of complexity should be considered by UX designers and researchers designing complex applications, including complexities of integration, information, intention, environment, and institution.

  • Mobile-App Onboarding: An Analysis of Components and Techniques

    Onboarding is the process of getting users familiar with a new interface. It can involve one or more of the following components: feature promotion, customization, and instructions.

  • Listboxes vs. Dropdown Lists

    Listboxes and dropdowns are compact UI controls that allow users to select options. Listboxes expose options right away and support multi-selection while dropdowns require a click to see options and support only single-selection.

  • Mobile Tutorials: Wasted Effort or Efficiency Boost?

    Our research shows that tutorials don’t make users faster or more successful at completing tasks; on the contrary, they make them perceive the tasks as more difficult.

  • Mental Models for Cloud-Storage Systems

    Users have a rudimentary understanding of cloud services and attempt to fit them into their existent, simpler mental models that they had formed for similar, more-traditional services.

  • Treemaps: Data Visualization of Complex Hierarchies

    A treemap is a complex, area-based data visualization for hierarchical data that can be hard to interpret precisely. In many cases, simpler visualizations such as bar charts are preferable.