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3.0.0 • Public • Published


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A lightweight, and easy-to-use, JavaScript library for code syntax highlighting!


Syntax.js Syntax.js - Tabbed Syntax.js - Tabbed - Dark

What features does Syntax.js have?

  • Zero-dependencies and extremely lightweight!
  • Written in TypeScript, allowing greater support for React, Angular, and other libraries!
  • Highlights keywords, values, strings, and comments.
  • 51 language translations available!
  • Full API available via public functions.
  • Fully styled in CSS/SASS (including the buttons) and compatible with the Bootstrap library.
  • Full CSS theme support (using :root variables, with a default dark-mode theme).
  • Coping and Printing support is available via action buttons.
  • Custom triggers for actions (when elements are rendered, keywords are clicked, etc).
  • 27 of the most popular languages built in by default (with public function support to add more).
  • Language aliases.
  • Custom action buttons (via a binding attribute), with opening/closing support.
  • Unknown language support (renders the display, but does not highlight any syntax).
  • Tabbing (allows multiple languages to be shown in one tabbed container, which is great for code examples).

Where can I find the documentation?

All the documentation can be found here:

What browsers are supported?

All modern browsers (such as Google Chrome, FireFox, and Opera) are fully supported.

What languages are supported?

  • af Afrikaans
  • ar Arabic
  • hy Armenian
  • be Belarusian
  • bn Bengali
  • bg Bulgarian
  • ca Catalan
  • zh Chinese (simplified)
  • da Danish
  • nl Dutch
  • en English (default)
  • eo Esperanto
  • et Estonian
  • fa Farsi
  • fi Finnish
  • fr French
  • fy Frisian
  • gl Galician
  • ka Georgian
  • de German
  • el Greek
  • he Hebrew
  • hi Hindi
  • hu Hungarian
  • is Icelandic
  • id Indonesian
  • ga Irish
  • it Italian
  • ja Japanese
  • ko Korean
  • lv Latvian
  • lt Lithuanian
  • lb Luxembourgish
  • ms Malay
  • ne Nepali
  • no Norwegian
  • pl Polish
  • pt Portuguese
  • ro Romanian
  • si Sinhalese
  • sk Slovak
  • sl Slovenian
  • es Spanish
  • sv Swedish
  • tl Tagalog
  • ta Tamil
  • zh-tw Taiwanese
  • te Telugu
  • th Thai
  • tr Turkish
  • uk Ukrainian

What are the most recent changes?

To see a list of all the most recent changes, click here.

What programming languages are supported by default?

  • bash Bash
  • c-plus-plus C++
  • c-sharp C#
  • c C
  • css CSS
  • dart Dart
  • delphi Delphi
  • f-sharp F#
  • go GO
  • html HTML
  • java Java
  • javascript JavaScript
  • kotlin Kotlin
  • lua Lua
  • matlab Matlab
  • ms-sql Microsoft SQL
  • perl Perl
  • php PHP
  • powershell Powershell
  • python Python
  • r R
  • ruby Ruby
  • rust Rust
  • scala Scala
  • swift Swift
  • typescript TypeScript
  • visual-basic Visual Basic

How do I install Syntax.js?

You can install the library with npm into your local modules directory using the following command:

npm install jsyntax.js

Or, you can download the latest zipped up version here.

Or, you can also use the following CDN links:


How do I get started?

To get started using Syntax.js, do the following steps:

1. Prerequisites:

Make sure you include the "DOCTYPE html" tag at the top of your HTML, as follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>

2. Include Files:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/syntax.js.css">
<script src="dist/syntax.js"></script>
<script src="dist/languages/syntax.javascript.js"></script>
<script src="dist/languages/syntax.html.js"></script>

3. DOM Element Binding:

<div data-syntax-language="javascript">
    var something = true;

    if ( something ) {
        console.log( "Output is written." ); // Comment
        /* Multi-line
        comment */

<code data-syntax-language="javascript" data-syntax-options="{ 'showCopyButton': false }" data-syntax-buttons="[ { 'text': 'Button 1', 'onClick': yourJsFunction } ]">
        var something = true;

        if ( something ) {
            console.log( "Output is written." ); // Comment
            /* Multi-line
            comment */

<code data-syntax-language="tabbed">
    <div data-syntax-language="javascript" data-syntax-tab-contents="true">
            var something = true;

            if ( something ) {
                console.log( "Output is written." ); // Comment
                /* Multi-line
                comment */

    <div data-syntax-language="html" data-syntax-tab-contents="{ 'title': 'HTML Language' }">
            <div class="header">
                <!--This is a comment.-->
                <h1 id="header">Syntax.js - Basic</h1>
                <p>This is a basic example of how to use Syntax.js to highlight code inside a DOM element.</p>
                <!--This is a 
                    multi-line comment.-->

To see a list of all the available binding languages you can use for "data-syntax-language", click here.

To see a list of all the available binding options you can use for "data-syntax-options", click here.

To see a list of all the available custom triggers you can use for "data-syntax-options", click here.

To see a list of all the available binding options you can use for "data-syntax-buttons", click here.

To see a list of all the available binding options you can use for "data-syntax-tab-contents", click here.

4. Finishing Up:

That's it! Nice and simple. Please refer to the code if you need more help (fully documented).

How do I go about customizing Syntax.js?

To customize, and get more out of Syntax.js, please read through the following documentation.

1. Public Functions:

To see a list of all the public functions available, click here.

2. Configuration:

Configuration options allow you to customize how Syntax.js will function. You can set them as follows:

  $syntax.setConfiguration( {
      safeMode: false
  } );

To see a list of all the available configuration options you can use, click here.

To see a list of all the available configuration options custom triggers you can use, click here.

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  • williamtroup