TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

4.2.0 • Public • Published

Useful TypeScript Functions

A dependency-free collection of useful functions for applications in TypeScript. (Actually, you need some peer libraries if you use some of the functions). Written in Typescript.

Upgrade from version 3

Version 4 of useful-typescript-functions only works with ESM.

Upgrade from version 2

There are some breaking changes of version 3.

  • If you use Server, you should have a look into the this upgrade info.
  • Previously deprecated functions flattenObject() and inflateObject() are now removed. You now need to move to flatten and inflate() now.
  • Instead of using CSVLogger to read and write CSV files, you should now use Streams module and its CSV related transforms.
  • The CSVLogger module is now removed in favour of using Logger and its function createCSVTransport(). Read about that here

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Apache License v2.0

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391 kB

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  • jschirrmacher