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2.2.0 • Public • Published

YouVersion Suggest for Node

Copyright 2023-2024 Caleb Evans
Released under the MIT license

tests Coverage Status

This NodeJS library allow you to search for and fetch Bible content from YouVersion.

This library is designed to run in a Node runtime, so it cannot be used in the browser or (for example) a Cloudflare Worker context. It is also ESM-only; there is no CommonJS bundle available.

The API is fully typed, so you can easily drop this into your TypeScript project.


This library is not compliant with the Terms of Service of YouVersion. Use at your own risk.

This project is not affiliated with YouVersion, and all Bible content is copyright of the respective publishers.


As a courtesy to YouVersion, we kindly ask that you add some kind of attribution to your application which acknowledges YouVersion as the source of the Bible content, along with some disclaimer that all Bible content is copyright of the respective publishers.


This API thinks of Bible content in terms of Bible references. A Bible reference can be one of three things:

  • A chapter (e.g. "Genesis 1")
  • A verse (e.g. "Psalm 23:1")
  • A range of verses (e.g. "Matthew 11:28-30")

Please also keep in mind that all API functions are asynchronous and return promises instead of the direct values. These async functions are indicated by use of the await syntax in the below examples.


Using npm (or your preferred package manager):

npm install youversion-suggest

Fetch content for a Bible reference matching the given query

The async fetchReferenceContent() function fetches the textual content of a Bible chapter, verse, or range of verses. The first argument is a query which represents the name of the reference you want to retrieve (can be a full or partial book name).

The returned object represents the Bible reference, and contains a content property which is likely what you want to make use of.

import { fetchReferenceContent } from 'youversion-suggest';

const reference = await fetchReferenceContent('mat 11.28-30', {
  language: 'eng', // Optional (default: 'eng')
  fallbackVersion: 'esv', // Optional (default: 'niv')
  includeVerseNumbers: true, // Optional (default: false)
  includeLineBreaks: false // Optional (default: true)
  id: '59/MAT.11.28-30',
  name: 'Matthew 11:28-30',
  url: '',
  book: { id: 'mat', name: 'Matthew' },
  chapter: 11,
  verse: 28,
  endVerse: 30,
  version: { full_name: 'English Standard Version 2016', id: 59, name: 'ESV' },
  content: '28 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”'

You can then use this returned object to format the verse content however you'd like. For example:

import { fetchReferenceContent } from 'youversion-suggest';

const reference = await fetchReferenceContent('mat 11.28-30 nlt', {
  language: 'eng', // Optional (default: 'eng')
  fallbackVersion: 'esv' // Optional (default: 'niv')
console.log(`${} (${})\n\n"${reference.content}"`);
Matthew 11:28-30 (NLT)

"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”"

Note: The fetchReferenceContent() function actually makes a fetch() request to YouVersion, so it incurs some network latency, and it may possibly break at any time (due to YouVersion HTML changes).

Error cases

  • If the Bible reference cannot be fetched because the reference is nonexistent, a BibleReferenceNotFoundError is thrown
  • If the Bible reference cannot be fetched because the content could not be parsed, a BibleReferenceEmptyContentError error is thrown.

Both of the above error classes inherit from BibleReferenceError, and all three classes are available for import.

Retrieve a list of all Bible references matching the given query

The async getReferencesMatchingName() function retrieves an array of Bible references whose names match the given query. This query is a case-insensitive string pattern (not a regex) representing the name of the Bible reference you are looking for (e.g. 1jo 1:9, mat 11.28-30, Genesis 1:1). If the query is ambiguous, the resulting array will contain multiple references (e.g. ma 1:1 matches Malachi 1:1, Mark 1:1, and Matthew 1:1).

import { getReferencesMatchingName } from 'youversion-suggest';

const references = await getReferencesMatchingName('a 1:1', {
  language: 'eng' // Optional (default: 'eng')
    id: '111/AMO.1.1',
    name: 'Amos 1:1',
    url: '',
    book: { id: 'amo', name: 'Amos' },
    chapter: 1,
    verse: 1,
    endVerse: null,
    version: { full_name: 'New International Version', id: 111, name: 'NIV' }
    id: '111/ACT.1.1',
    name: 'Acts 1:1',
    url: '',
    book: { id: 'act', name: 'Acts' },
    chapter: 1,
    verse: 1,
    endVerse: null,
    version: { full_name: 'New International Version', id: 111, name: 'NIV' }

Please note that these returned Bible reference objects do not contain the textual content of the respective references. If you want the textual content as well, you must fetch it yourself by calling the aforementioned fetchReferenceContent().

Retrieve the first Bible reference matching the given query

The async getFirstReferenceMatchingName() function is a convenience function which effectively returns the first result of the above getReferencesMatchingName. The call signature is exactly the same, only returning a single Bible reference object rather than an array of said objects.

import { getFirstReferenceMatchingName } from 'youversion-suggest';

const reference = await getFirstReferenceMatchingName('matthew 5:4', {
  language: 'eng', // Optional (default: 'eng')
  fallbackVersion: 'nkjv' // Optional (default: 'niv')
  id: '114/MAT.5.4',
  name: 'Matthew 5:4',
  url: '',
  book: {
    id: 'mat',
    name: 'Matthew'
  chapter: 5,
  verse: 4,
  endVerse: null,
  version: { full_name: 'New King James Version', id: 114, name: 'NKJV' }

Retrieve a list of all Bible references matching the given phrase

The async getReferencesMatchingPhrase function allows you to perform a freeform search of Bible content matching a particular phrase (e.g. "without faith" or "son of man"). The return value is an array of Bible references, with the content property of each being the full contents of that particular verse.

import { getReferencesMatchingPhrase } from 'youversion-suggest';

const references = await getReferencesMatchingPhrase('without faith', {
  language: 'eng', // Optional (default: 'eng')
  version: 'nkjv' // Optional (default: 'niv')
    id: '59/HEB.11.6',
    name: 'Hebrews 11:6',
    url: '',
    book: { id: 'heb', name: 'Hebrews' },
    chapter: 11,
    verse: 6,
    endVerse: null,
    version: { full_name: 'English Standard Version 2016', id: 59, name: 'ESV' },
    content: 'And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God  must believe that he exists and  that he rewards those who seek him.'
  // 20 more results...

The logic behind the search algorithm is black-boxed and internal to YouVersion, so this package is unable to change it.

Retrieve the Bible data for the specified language

The async getBibleData() function retrieves a JSON object containing the Bible data for the specified language code. This Bible data includes the book names of all 66 canonical books of the Bible, a list of the available versions/translations for that language, and the default version for that language.

If you call this function without arguments, the default language is 'eng'.

import { getBibleData } from 'youversion-suggest';

const bible = await getBibleData('eng');
  "books": [
      "id": "gen",
      "name": "Genesis"
    // ...
  "versions": [
      "id": 111,
      "name": "NIV",
      "full_name": "New International Version"
    // ...
  "default_version": 111,
  "language": {
    "id": "eng",
    "name": "English

Please see bible-eng.json in the youversion-suggest-data repository for an example of what a complete Bible data object looks like.

Retrieve metadata for all books in the Biblical canon

This library does not include deuterocanonical Bible data, and therefore uses the same number of books/chapters across all languages and versions/translations. You can retrieve this global Bible book metadata using the async getBibleBookMetadata() function. It takes no arguments, and returns a key-value store of the metadata; each key is the USFM identifier of a Bible book (see the USFM documentation for a full list).

import { getBibleBookMetadata } from 'youversion-suggest';

const bookMetadata = await getBibleBookMetadata();
  "gen": {
    "canon": "ot",
    "chapters": 50,
    "verses": [
      // ...
  // ...

Please see book-metadata.json in the youversion-suggest-data repository for the full object.

Retrieve list of all supported languages

The async getLanguages() function returns the list of all languages that this package currently supports. Each language object has two properties: id (the IETF language tag of the language) and name (the name of the language as written in said language).

import { getLanguages } from 'youversion-suggest';

const languages = await getLanguages();
  // ...
    "id": "bul",
    "name": "български"
    "id": "deu",
    "name": "Deutsch"
    "id": "eng",
    "name": "English"
  // ...

Default Options

Most of the search/lookup functions above accept an options object. All of the parameters are optional and have the following defaults:

  language: 'eng',
  version: 'niv',
  fallbackVersion: 'niv'

The values passed to the version and fallbackVersion options are case-insensitive (e.g. both 'ESV' and 'esv' are accepted). You can also use the numeric ID of the version for exactness (e.g. 59, for ESV).




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  • caleb531