i am ai

A journey exploring the world of artificial intelligence

AI is powering change in every industry across the globe. As companies are increasingly data-driven, the demand for AI technology grows. From speech recognition and recommender systems to medical imaging and improved supply chain management, AI technology is providing enterprises the compute power, tools, and algorithms their teams need to do their life’s work.


i am ai - Official intro

AI In the News

i am making news and progress

AI in the World

i am inspiring the world's brightest minds

Dive into the world's greatest achievements in AI and learn what fuels the people behind them. Meet our AI innovators, watch episodes from our docuseries, or listen to our weekly podcast to stay up-to-date with how humans are pushing the boundaries of AI and changing our future.

  • DocuSeries
  • AI Podcast
  • AI Innovators

The AI Podcast - Waabi CEO Raquel Urtasun on Using AI, Simulation to Teach Autonomous Vehicles to Drive - Ep. 169 - (22:19)

The AI Podcast - What Is Conversational AI? ZeroShot Bot CEO Jason Mars Explains - Ep. 168 - (38:25)

The AI Podcast - MLCommons’ David Kanter, NVIDIA’s Daniel Galvez on Publicly Accessible Datasets - Ep. 167 - (35:11)

The AI Podcast - Polestar’s Dennis Nobelius on the Sustainable Performance Brand’s Plans - Ep. 166 - (17:25)

The AI Podcast - Robust Intelligence CEO Yaron Singer on How to Prevent AI Failures - Ep. 165 - (23:25)

The AI Podcast - Recommender Systems 101: NVIDIA’s Even Oldridge Breaks It Down - Ep. 164 - (38:15)

The AI Podcast - Exaggeration Detector Could Lead to More Accurate Health Science Journalism - Ep. 163 - (29:47)

The AI Podcast - NVIDIA’s Sarah Tariq Turning Cars into Software-Defined Vehicles - Ep. 162 - (18:12)

The AI Podcast - Listen Up: How Audio Analytic Is Teaching Machines to Listen - Ep. 161 - (31:31)

The AI Podcast - Fusing Art and Tech: MORF Gallery CEO Scott Birnbaum on Digital Paintings, NFTs and More - Ep. 160 - (30:54)

The AI Podcast - ‘AI Dungeon’ Creator Nick Walton Uses AI to Generate Infinite Gaming Storylines - Ep. 159 - (25:57)

The AI Podcast - AI Pioneer Kai-Fu Lee Discusses His New Work of Fiction - Ep. 158 - (30:19)

The AI Podcast - Real or Not Real? Attorney Steven Frank Uses Deep Learning to Authenticate Art - Ep. 157 - (41:26)

The AI Podcast - AI of the Tiger: Conservation Biologist Jeremy Dertien - Ep. 156 - (31:25)

 The AI Podcast - Metaspectral’s‌ ‌Migel‌ ‌Tissera‌ ‌on‌ ‌AI-Based‌ ‌Data‌ ‌Management‌ ‌ - Ep. 155 - (31:49)

 The AI Podcast - Researchers Chris Downum and Leszek Pawlowicz Use Deep Learning to Accelerate Archaeology - Ep. 154 - (26:28)

 The AI Podcast - Maya Ackerman on LyricStudio, an AI-Based Writing Songwriting Assistant - Ep. 153 - (23:14)

 The AI Podcast - Wild Things: NVIDIA’s Sifei Liu Talks 3D Reconstructions of Endangered Species - Ep. 152 - (21:08)

 The AI Podcast - GANTheftAuto: Harrison Kinsley on AI-Generated Gaming Environments - Ep. 151 - (29:46)

 The AI Podcast - GE's Danielle Merfeld and Arvind Rangarajan on AI and Renewable Energy - Ep. 150 - (31:12)

 The AI Podcast - Jules Anh Tuan Nguyen Explains How AI Lets Amputee Control Prosthetic Hand, Video Games - Ep. 149 - (36:43)

 The AI Podcast - Matt Ginsberg Built a GPU-Powered Crossword Solver to Take on Top Word Nerds - Ep. 148 - (27:55)

 The AI Podcast - NVIDIA’s Liila Torabi Talks the New Era of Robotics Through Isaac SIm - Ep. 147 - (27:43)

 The AI Podcast - NVIDIA's Simon Yuen Talks About the Future Horizon of Digital Humans - Ep. 146 - (34:21)

 The AI Podcast - Waste Not, Want Not: Al Startup Opseyes Revolutionizes Wastewater Analysis - Ep. 145 - (32:35)

 The AI Podcast - Getting Clever with Kaolin: Researchers Accelerate 3D Deep Learning with New Tools - Ep. 144 - (23:33)

 The AI Podcast - Al Researcher James Kahn Explains Deep Learning's Collision Course with Particle Physics - Ep. 143 - (22:55)

 The AI Podcast - Walmart's Grant Gelvin on Prediction Analytics at Supercenter Scale - Ep. 142 - (22:54)

 The AI Podcast - NVIDIA's Julie Bernauer Talks Setting Up One of World's Fastest Supercomputers - Ep. 141 - (29:43)

Refik Anadol

Media Artist and Director

Salma Mayorquin

Smells Like ML  

Chris Yoo

Systems Imagination

AI in New Possibilities

i am pushing the boundaries of what’s possible

Researchers at NVIDIA challenge themselves each day to answer the “what ifs” that push deep learning architectures and algorithms to richer practical applications. See some of that work in these fun, intriguing, artful and surprising projects.

Image Inpainting

AI in Industries

i am partnering with organizations around the world


With NVIDIA, healthcare institutions can harness the power of artificial intelligence and to define the future of medicine.

Financial Services

Institutions can boost risk management, improve data-backed decisions and security, and enhance customer experiences with NVIDIA’s AI.


Leading retailers are leveraging AI to improve customer relations and brand performance —both in stores and online.

AI in Learning

i am illuminating curious minds

Learn how to set up an end-to-end project in less than a day or how to apply a specific technology or development technique in just a few hours—anytime, anywhere, with just a computer and an internet connection. Select courses offer a certificate of competency to support career growth.

AI for You

and i am inviting you to share your story with like-minded innovators

Are you an AI innovator, too? We want to hear from you.* Click the button below to share your story with us, and an NVIDIA representative will get back to you as soon as possible.