E-Guide Series

Advanced Technologies Driving Architectural Design

Explore the benefits of a GPU accelerated AEC design workflow and learn why global AEC firms choose NVIDIA solutions.

What’s Included In This AECO E-Guide Series

Explore the latest advancements in technology that can help AECO project teams in various phases of the architectural design process. This series highlights new solutions that are transforming building and infrastructure design workflows for firms of all sizes.

Conceptual design and bid submissions

Part 1: Conceptual Design

Discover how NVIDIA solutions help overcome obstacles design teams face during conceptual design and competition/bid submissions.

  Innovation during detailed design

Part 2: Design Development

Leading-edge GPU-accelerated technologies are boosting productivity, innovation and collaboration during detailed design.

Client Presentations

Part 3: Client Presentations

Advances in visualization have leveled the playing field for production of compelling client presentations by accelerating rendering and driving creativity.

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