OGC Awards

The consortium offers multiple types of awards to to provide much needed recognition to those that go above and beyond to forward geospatial technologies and standards.

OGC awards are given to highlight leadership, volunteerism, collaboration, and progress of individuals and organizations in the geospatial community. Award recipients uphold OGC’s mission of making location information Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable, and go beyond through problem solving, forward thinking, advancement of the industry, and other similar activities.

OGC Awards by Category:

Gardels Award

The Kenneth D. Gardels Award is a gold medallion presented each year by the Board of Directors of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) to an individual who has made exemplary contributions to OGC’s consensus standards process. Award nominations are made by members – the prior Gardels Award winners – and approved by the Board of Directors. The Gardels Award was conceived to memorialize the spirit of a man who dreamt passionately of making the world a better place through open communication and the use of information technology to improve the quality of human life.

See the full list of award recipients

Lifetime Achievement Award

With the lifetime achievement award, OGC recognizes and celebrates an individual’s lifetime of service, and their steadfast support of geospatial open standards and the OGC mission as a component of effective governance and improved decision making.  Lifetime Achievement Awards are given to recipients on an ad-hoc basis, and at the behest of the consortium’s Board of Directors. The first OGC Lifetime Achievement Award was granted to Charles Roswell in July 2007.

See the full list of award recipients

Community Impact Award

This award is given to an individual, team of individuals, organization, or group of organizations that has made an impact in the OGC Community over the course of the previous calendar year. OGC Impact awards highlight the importance of collaboration, volunteering time and energy, advancing technologies and standards, and raising awareness of and solving issues over a relatively short period of time.

March 2024, Ecere Corporation

September 2023, Wuhan University

June 2023, Natural Resources Canada

Are you interested in learning more about OGC Awards, or providing a recommendation? Contact us and make a suggestion.

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