Cloud Storage

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) provides customers with high-performance computing and low-cost cloud storage options. Through on-demand local, object, file, block, and archive storage, Oracle Cloud addresses key storage workload requirements and use cases. Customers can use the data transfer service to safely and securely move their data to the cloud.

Oracle Cloud addresses key storage workload requirements and use cases. (46:53)

OCI revenue has grown 76% year over year (Q4 FY2023 earnings). Hear why customers are choosing us.

Simple pricing

Transparent and consistent global pricing lets customers forecast cloud storage spend easily, without requiring pricing formulas to predict their cloud spend.

The fastest file servers in the public cloud

Use Terraform to automate the creation of IBM Spectrum Scale file servers capable of scaling to 60 GB/s.

Cloud storage evolution that maximizes performance and flexibility

Learn how Oracle Cloud Infrastructure storage options provide highly flexible performance at a low cost, making it easier to migrate enterprise workloads to the cloud.


Why customers choose Oracle Cloud storage

Fast, scalable, and durable cloud storage

OCI storage delivers consistent high performance and scalability. Customers get block volumes that scale up to 1 PB, file storage that can scale up to 8 EB, and local NVMe that scales to 2 TB. Also, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage and Archive Storage are backed by an availability service level agreement, offering highly reliable data storage.

Explore Cloud Storage Options

Advanced block storage

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Block Volume delivers consistent, low-latency performance of up to 300,000 IOPS and 2,680 MB/sec of throughput per volume. Enable dynamic performance scaling with auto-tuning of block volumes. For performance-intensive applications, OCI Block Volume offers up to 700,000 IOPS and 9,600 MB/sec of throughput per host. OCI Block Volume costs approximately 70% less for a 1 TB volume than AWS gp3 at 16,000 IOPS.

Explore OCI Block Volume

Security-first architecture

Reduce storage risks with Oracle Cloud's security-first design architecture that utilizes built-in tenant isolation, least privilege access, and data encryption at rest. All storage services are integrated into Oracle Identity and Access Management to centrally manage access and permissions.

Explore Oracle Cloud security

Lower pricing and lower costs

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Block Storage is 57% less expensive than the competition, and it delivers performance that meets or exceeds their offerings. Oracle’s straightforward cloud storage pricing has no provisioning charges, complex pricing formulas, or pricing variances based on geography.

Explore Oracle Cloud lower costs

Cloud Storage products

High-performance block storage at any scale

We've designed our storage platform as an ideal complement to Oracle compute and networking services to support the highest performance requirements. OCI Block Volume uses the latest NVMe SSDs and provides nonblocking network connectivity to every host. Oracle delivers consistent, low-latency performance of up to 225 IOPS/GB to a maximum of 300,000 IOPS and 2,680 MB/sec of throughput per volume.

  • Cross-region asynchronous block volume replication
  • Consistent high performance
  • Dynamic performance scaling with auto-tuning of block volumes
  • Scales volumes from 50 GB to 32 TB
  • Attach volumes to reach 1 PB per compute instance
  • Less than half the price of AWS EBS
  • Encryption at rest by default using AES 256
  • Encryption in transit supported by TLS 1.2
  • Automatic monitoring for data integrity

Flexible object storage that scales

Object Storage enables customers to store any type of data in its native format. This is ideal for building modern applications that require scale and flexibility, as it can be used to consolidate multiple data sources for analytics, backup, or archive purposes.

  • Auto Tiering
  • Distributed, durable object storage
  • Highly available and scalable
  • Access via API, HDFS Plugin, SDK, console, or CLI
  • Archive storage option
  • Encryption at rest by default using AES 256
  • Automatic monitoring
  • Self-healing

File storage that automatically scales

Oracle File Storage provides a fully managed Network File System (NFS) that scales automatically to accommodate growth up to 8 exabytes, eliminating the need to provision capacity in advance. Multiway replication ensures data availability and durability.

  • Cross-region asynchronous file storage replication
  • Snapshot and clone capabilities
  • Automatic elasticity without provisioning
  • Scalable from kilobytes to 8 exabytes
  • Automatic elastic scaling without provisioning
  • Highly available, durable filesystems
  • Encryption at rest by default using AES 256
  • Encryption in transit supported by TLS 1.2
  • Support for managing your own encryption keys

Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) for virtual machines and bare metal

Local NVMe SSD storage provides extremely low latency and high performance flash-based storage, which is ideal for workloads that benefit from high-throughput local storage. Oracle Cloud provides up to 51.2 TB of capacity per instance and 5.5M IOPS at low 10 to 100 microsecond latency.

  • Available on DenseIO virtual machines and bare metal
  • Up to 52 TB of capacity
  • 5.5 million IOPS
  • Complete customer control

Long-term, low-cost data storage

Archive Storage provides reliable and durable long-term data at one-tenth the cost of Oracle Object Storage, while using the same APIs for easy setup and integration. Data is monitored for integrity, automatically healed, and encrypted at rest.

  • Easy to use and integrate
  • Highly reliable and durable
  • No cost for inbound data transfer
  • Encryption at rest by default using AES 256
  • Automatic monitoring for data integrity

High-volume data migration

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Transfer Appliance allows customers to securely move large volumes of data into Oracle Cloud in days, rather than weeks or months, at no charge.

  • Use console UI, CLI, SDK, or third-party tools
  • Flexibility to use your own disks—HDD and SSD
  • Up to 150TB per appliance
  • Integrated monitoring
  • No cost for inbound data transfer
  • Data encrypted at load time using AES 256 encryption
  • Integrity enforced by checksums
  • Upload summaries confirm data integrity
  • Encrypted networks used in Oracle Cloud

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure customer successes

Oracle Cloud Storage accommodates a broad range of customer needs

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July 19, 2023

Authentication and authorization for OCI File Storage with Kerberos and LDAP

Aboo Valappil, Technical Product Manager, OCI, and Prashant Jagannathan, Principal Product Manager, OCI

Organizations that use Kerberos and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for identity management often want to integrate their storage systems for secure centralized authentication and authorization. OCI File Storage can be integrated with Kerberos and LDAP to secure your File Storage-based NFS shares.

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Storage reference architectures

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Get started with Oracle Cloud Storage

Moving data to Oracle Object Storage

One of the first steps in using Object Storage is to transfer your existing data.

Block Storage overview on Linux

Learn about Block Volume Storage for Linux on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

Understanding File Storage performance

Learn about Oracle Cloud File Storage, including read/write performance tuning.