




日本: 東京チーム




  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • 知的財産
  • Trade Secrets Litigation
  • Patents
  • IP相談およびデューデリジェンス
  • U.S. International Trade Commission
  • International Arbitration & Dispute Resolution
  • China

Yufeng (Ethan) Ma パートナー

Chicago; 北京

In addition to specializing in complex IP litigation relating to patent infringement, ITC 337 investigations, trade secrets misappropriation and unfair competition, Ethan has extensive experience advising clients on IP administrative disputes and reexamination, IP strategies, IP due diligence, and IP aspects of strategic transactions, including licensing or transfer, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and collaborations. His clients cover a wide range of industries, including medical devices, hardwares, softwares, internet, semiconductors, electronics, telecommunications, AI, automobile, chemical, materials, energy, etc. His recent clients include Baidu, Tencent, SMIC, JD.com, Micro-Tech, Vivo, Coolpad, Anker, OnePlus, Govee, LANHE, Lovense, Zhejiang Rongpeng, Sansi Electronic Engineering, Yaham Optoelectronics, CreateLED Electronics, Howshow Technology, Huayi Mechanical and Electrical, INFiLED Electronics, Applied Materials, Synopsys, Coilcaft, Hecate, etc.

Over the years, Ethan has represented dozens of Chinese companies in resolving their IP disputes in the U.S. Ethan and his litigation teams won a number of high-profile ITC investigations involving Chinese companies and earned clients’ long-term trust. In one investigation (337-TA-623), his clients are four subsidiaries of a large state-owned company in China, who were sued for patent infringement. The Commission reversed the late Chief Administrative Law Judge’s unfavorable decision and found that Ethan’s clients were not infringing and did not violate Section 337. In another investigation (337-TA-655), he represented the complainant and its subsidiaries in China suing a group of Chinese respondents for trade secret misappropriation. The ITC issued a 10-year exclusion order against these respondents. This landmark decision represents a new development of trade secret law and ITC jurisdiction in the U.S., and was upheld by the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Since then, Ethan has won case after case on behalf of his clients. He is also committed to resolving disputes in the most cost-effective and timely way. “Ethan always tries to resolve matters for clients at the lowest cost possible,” said a client who won a case as he recommended Ethan to his peers.

For instance, in 2017, Ethan successfully defended Shenzhen Howshow Technology against Kent Displays, Inc. in an ITC 337 investigation (337-TA-1035) involving alleged infringement of patents relating to liquid crystal e-writers and components. Orrick secured a complete victory for the client by forcing the complainant to unconditionally withdraw after four months of active litigation. The case was named “Deal of the Year 2017 – Disputes and Investigations” by China Business Law Journal.

In another case, Ethan successfully defended Sansi Electronic Engineering, CreateLED Electronics, Yaham Optoelectronics. and other Chinese respondents against Ultravision Technologies in an ITC Section 337 investigation (337-TA-1114) filed on 27 March 2018 involving alleged infringement of patents relating to certain modular LED display panels and components. The complainant was forced to withdraw the complaint unconditionally during the expert discovery period in November 2018, which led to a final termination by the ITC on 21 February 2019.

Prior to joining Orrick, Ethan served as Director of IP, Asia of a world leader in specialty glass and ceramics, where he was in charge of the company’s daily IP matters in China and throughout Asia. Before that, he was a partner and member of the Board at McAndrews, Held & Malloy in Chicago, Illinois. Ethan was the first non-US born lawyer of that firm.

In the past 20 years, Ethan has been committed to building bridges and facilitating understanding between China and the US on IP protection and exchange. In addition to being a frequent speaker at various seminars and conferences in China and the US, Ethan regularly publishes articles and has been interviewed by numerous media. He served as a committee member of the Asian Legal Committee of Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) for many years.

Ethan is also actively involved in the “One Belt One Road” and “Going Out” initiatives led by the PRC government and non-profit organizations. He participated in Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce’s “Going Overseas Service Portal” project, and acts as an expert of Shenzhen Overseas IP Protection and Assistance Expert Pool, a special advisor to Wisdom IP - Overseas Intellectual Property Alliance (WIPA), Nanjing, Jiangsu, an expert in Nanjing Overseas IP Think Tank, Zehjiang Dongyang IP Think Tank, Shanghai International Economic and Trade IP Protection Overseas Expert Pool, and one of the first batch experts in Shanghai Overseas IP Disputes Resolution Expert Pool.



  • Equity Capital Markets
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • China
  • Africa



Jeffrey has extensive experience representing both Chinese enterprises in fund raising and investing abroad and foreign investors investing in China.

He regularly represents issuers and underwriters in the U.S. and Hong Kong public securities offerings, including initial public offerings (IPOs) and Rule 144A/Regulation S offerings for PRC-based companies.

In addition, he is experienced in handling complex cross-border mergers and acquisitions, foreign direct investment, strategic alliances, joint ventures and regulatory compliance matters for numerous foreign investors and Chinese companies. He also counsels global private equity funds on their investment activity throughout Greater China and across Asia.

Some clients he has represented include Bright Food, JD.com, Trina Solar, China Sunergy, Perfect World, ReneSola, Tudou, Pactera Technologies and some international investment banks and private equity funds.

Jeffrey is consistently recognized as a leading lawyer for China M&A by prestigious legal publications such as Chambers Asia, Asia-Pacific Legal 500 and IFLR1000. Clients recognizes him as “an excellent business partner, above his legal counsel role”, who “gives practical advice not only based on legal proficiency, but really helpful for our business”.

Prior to joining Orrick, Mr. Sun worked with a major international law firm, and he was a former partner in a local law firm based in Shanghai.



  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • 知的財産
  • Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation
  • Mass Torts & Product Liability
  • Trade Secrets Litigation
  • IP相談およびデューデリジェンス
  • Patents
  • Antitrust & Competition
  • International Trade and Investment
  • White Collar, Investigations, Securities Litigation & Compliance
  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • Trademark, Copyright & Media
  • Automotive Technology & Mobility
  • China

Xiang Wang パートナー

北京; New York

ワン博士は、電気工学・コンピュータ工学の博士号、中国法の学位、米国ニューヨーク州およびインディアナ州での法曹資格を有し、米国特許庁に登録しているという数少ない経歴を持つ知的財産権弁護士として高い評価を得ており、中国国内屈指の知的財産関連の法務を提供している。中国に本拠を置く海外企業が関与した、訴訟と仲裁両方での特許紛争において成功を収めたことにより、オリックの中国知的財産チームは、China Central Television (CCTV)によって特集され、「Patent Wars」と題された30分のドキュメンタリー映画が2011年10月29日に放送された。


  • 中国で事業に従事する企業の大規模な特許・商標ポートフォリオの出願・登録手続き、強制執行、および技術移転/ライセンス供与契約。
  • 中国および米国の両国におけるオフィスアクション、異議申立て、および特許の無効性に関する訴訟手続き、模造品・海賊版防止の取り組み、特許・商標の強制執行訴訟。
  • 企業秘���、輸出規制、産業スパイ活動に関わる国境を越えた訴訟。
  • 米国国際貿易委員会の下でのITC第337条関連訴訟。
  • 製造物責任と欠陥商品回収。
  • 米国地方裁判所における証券集団訴訟および米国証券取引委員会(SEC)と司法省(DOJ)により発議された調査や審理を含む、米国に登録している中国企業の監査委員会による調査やその他の調査事項に関連して取締役会やその企業を代理。
  • 中国国家食品薬品監督管理局(SFDA)および米国食品医薬品局(FDA)への届出、薬品および装置の輸入登録免許、中国のGMP(医薬品製造品質管理規範)およびGSP(医薬品経営品質管理規範)、保険還付、その他の政府および規制当局の問題、臨床試験、CRO契約およびOEM契約における援助等を含む、中国および米国の両国における規制遵守および訴訟手続きにおいて医療機器製造会社および製薬会社の代理。
  • 技術移転契約およびOEM契約、研究開発や製造に関する合弁事業および戦略的パートナーシップ。
  • 知的財産に関連するデュー・ディリジェンスおよびポートフォリオに関するカウンセリング。
  • 中国における検閲問題、データ守秘権と保護に関しソーシャルメディア会社を援助。


  • 米系医療技術コンサルティング会社のアジアサービス担当マネージング・ディレクター、米系医療機器製造会社のシニアコンサルタント兼科学諮問評議会メンバー、米系医療機器製造会社の研究開発担当エグゼクティブ・ディレクター、米国の大手病院外科手術部門の医療研究担当ディレクター、米系大手医療機器製造会社2社のソフトウェア・エンジニアおよびシステム・アナリスト、北京の中日友好医院のバイオメディカル・エンジニア。
  • 上記の役職において、医療機器の開発、指示、製造;パートナー企業の選択、調査、および交渉;PMA およびFDA 510(k) に関する申請書の整理、助言、および編集;FDA、UL 544、CSA、およびその他の規制の監督および遵守;臨床試験の設計および遂行。

ワン博士は、中国において事業に従事する企業に影響を及ぼす知的財産権に関する法規制およびクロスボーダー関係の構築および進展の先導役として広く認められている。現在、上海の���国商工会議所知的財産委員会副会長、および中国のR&D-based Pharmaceutical Associationの法律顧問を務める。さらに、米国ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア市のドレクセル大学の機械工学およびバイオメディカル・エンジニアリングの客員教授でもある。


  • 60を上回る書籍および業界紙の論説の著者または共著者である。最近では中国の医療機器および医薬品に関する新規制要件ならびに中国および米国で事業を展開しつつ知的財産を保護する方法に関する記事を著す。


  • 米国と中国における特許、商標、企業秘密紛争、および製造物責任訴を含む、知的財産保護の方法に関して国際セミナーやコンファレンスにおいて頻繁に講演している。
  • クロスボーダー知的財産問題に関する新聞やニュースメディアによるインタビュー多数(例:The New York Times、The Wall Street Journal、Reuters、Bloomberg、International Herald Tribune、Financial Times、Law 360、Asian Legal Business、China Central Television (CCTV programs 「Dialogue」、「China Insight」、および米国証券訴訟に関するプログラム「Crossover」、ドキュメンタリー映画「Patent Wars」および「Digital Rights」)、China Radio International、China Business Law JournalM、Chinese Lawyer、people.com.cn、Caixin Media、Chicago Herald、Managing Intellectual Property、Asia IP、CFO Innovations、並びにSwedish Broadcasting Corporation)。



  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • Technology Companies Group
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • 企業ガバナンス
  • Fintech
  • Blockchain and Virtual Currency

John Bautista パートナー

サンフランシスコ; Santa Monica; シリコン・バレー

John focuses his practice on advising emerging companies and investors, and represents both public and private high-tech and life sciences companies in many areas, including corporate and securities law, venture capital financings, mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, public company representation and technology licensing.

The Recorder named John the “2019 Innovator of the Year” for his work as the chief lawyer on the Long-Term Stock Exchange, a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission-approved exchange designed to change the paradigm of traditional stock markets by rewarding entrepreneurs and investors committed to long-term business strategies. Financial Times recognized John as one of the Top 10 Most Innovative Individuals of the Year in 2017, calling him “one of the most influential lawyers in the technology ecosystem of Silicon Valley.” He is ranked Band 2 by Chambers USA California, for Venture Capital and Chambers USA Nationwide, ranked him Band 3 for Startups & Emerging Companies.

John is a Board member and co-founder of the Long-Term Stock Exchange, which is creating a new stock exchange for public companies supporting long-term investors, as well as an advisor and co-founder of Clerky.com, a company automating legal work for early-stage companies. He is also recognized for his work with Y Combinator companies.

Prior to joining Orrick, John was a founding attorney of Venture Law Group and served on the Executive Committee. John previously practiced at Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati. John also served as Mayor of the City of Cupertino, California and a council member from 1993-1997, where he helped build important public partnerships, including with Apple Computer, the Mid-Peninsula Open Space Preserve, and San Jose and California Water Companies.



  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • 複雑な訴訟および紛争処理
  • Mass Torts & Product Liability
  • 知的財産

Peter Bicks パートナー

New York

In recognition of Peter’s career trial work, he was inducted into the American College of Trial Lawyers in 2015. Juries have compared him favorably to Johnnie Cochran and F. Lee Bailey. Clients laud Peter, telling Chambers USA 2020-2022, “He’s a standout trial lawyer and an outstanding advocate overall. He appreciates the client’s needs and advocates for them everywhere.” Another client notes, “He is brilliant in the courtroom under the most intense pressure,” “a master of seeing the full chessboard.” That praise is echoed by sources saying, Peter is “one of these lawyers that really turns big cases; he’s a real trial lawyer,” and calling him “one of the most gifted trial lawyers that I have ever seen.” Clients go on to applaud his trial experience and strategic approach saying, “Peter really knows his way round a courtroom. He's a great trial tactician.” “He is an outstanding advocate who appreciates the client's needs and reputational questions involved.” A peer in the trial bar told Law360, “What is most impressive is his ability as a true Field General – calmly directing his team’s efforts.”

With precedent-setting trial wins in commercial, mass tort, and product liability litigation, Peter has amassed honors from annual top rankings in Chambers USA, Legal 500, and Benchmark Litigation, to awards for excellence, such as New York “Litigation Star,” “Law360 MVP,” “Litigator of the Week,” and “Top 100 Trial Lawyers in America.”

It is Peter’s versatility that sets him apart. He brings a combination of deft courtroom skills, strategic acuity and team leadership. In May 2022, when faced with a headlining trial over control of the leading international model and talent company, Elite Worldwide Group, the company and its Chairman tapped Peter as lead trial counsel to parachute in just 45 days before trial. Our complete trial win for the client earned Peter and the team Litigators of the Week Runner-Up honors from the American Lawyer. Louis Dreyfus Company turned to Peter recently as lead trial counsel once they saw that a massive, high stakes trial was on the horizon with over $1 billion at stake amid class action claims alleging manipulation of the cotton futures market. DISH Network brought Peter in shortly before trial when the FTC and various state attorneys general sought $700 billion in damages and penalties for alleged telemarketing violations. He achieved an astounding trial victory for DISH limiting recovery to less than one percent of the exposure. For Johnson & Johnson, Peter has been part of a small group of market-leading outside counsel overseeing the defense of more than 15,000 talc-related cases, including product liability trials, consumer class actions, and cases brought under California’s Prop 65; handling multiple trials, SEC, DOJ, and AG investigations; and representing senior executives in major depositions, at trial, and before Congress.

Peter serves as co-head of the firm's Global Litigation practice and is a former member of Orrick’s Board and Management Committee. Before joining Orrick, Peter was a partner at Donovan Leisure. He captained his college tennis team to a national ranking, has successfully competed in major national sailboat competitions, and serves on the Board of the Harlem Junior Tennis and Education Program. With his wife Linda, he has three children: Avery, Isabelle and Phoebe.



  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • International Trade and Investment
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Environmental, Social & Corporate Governance (ESG)
  • Strategic Advisory and Government Enforcement

Harry Clark パートナー

Washington, D.C.

Harry is experienced in areas such as CFIUS/Exon-Florio examinations of foreign investment, military and “dual use” export control regulations (ITAR/EAR), economic sanctions administered by the U.S. Treasury Department (OFAC), customs regulations, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, anti-money laundering rules, anti-boycott requirements and defense industrial security requirements. He executes internal corporate investigations regarding trade and investment rules and advises on such rules in the context of corporate transactions.

Additionally, Harry has extensive experience with government contracting matters. His government contracting work has included, for example, design and implementation of U.S. Defense Department renewable energy projects. He also represents broad industry coalitions on major trade litigations and international negotiations. His experience in these areas includes a leading role in what is often considered the largest-ever international trade dispute: the controversy regarding unfair softwood lumber imports from Canada. It has involved myriad administrative proceedings before federal agencies, NAFTA panel appeals, WTO dispute proceedings, judicial proceedings and international settlement agreements.

Harry has represented a coalition of major U.S. oil companies in antidumping and countervailing duty litigation. As a related matter, he pursues policy issues with congressional and executive branch officials and advises on international trade rules (e.g., GATT, WTO agreements and NAFTA).

Chambers 2022 recognizes Harry as a leader in the field of export controls and economic sanctions (Chambers Global and Chambers USA), as well as CFIUS (Chambers USA). Previous editions have also recognized Harry’s achievements regarding his work related to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Clients note that Harry provides “accurate, straightforward guidance incredibly efficiently” and “he has an ability to translate complex legal requirements and rules into business-friendly jargon.”


Washington, D.C.

ジェンセン米国弁護士は、過去のITCにおける訴訟経験及び、ITC Trial Lawyers’ Associationの執行委員としての地位を通じ、米国国際貿易委員会の不���輸入調査室の弁護士と長期的な良い関係を築きあげてきました。これらの人々とジェンセン米国弁護士の信頼関係は、当事務所クライアントにとって明確な利点となっています。

また、米国で特許侵害訴訟が提起される上位5つの裁判所を含む、米国連邦地方裁判所において、ジェンセン米国弁護士は50件以上の特許訴訟でクライアントを代理しています。なかでも彼が元地方裁判所の裁判官であるRoderick McKelvie氏の司法クラークを務めたデラウェア州裁判所における裁判について特別な知識を有しています。さらに、ジェンセン米国弁護士は、パテントトロールによって提起された数多くの特許侵害案件において被告である数多くの企業を代理しており、これまでに集積回路、半導体、光ディスクドライブ、デジタルカメラ、プリンタ、その他の家電製品を含む幅広い技術を保護してきました。




  • Structured Finance
  • 資産担保証券
  • Banking & Finance
  • Equity Capital Markets
  • 金融派生商品
  • スワップなどのヘッジ手段


  • 知的財産
  • Patents
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • 3D Printing
  • Internet of Things

New York

He has litigated patents at trial, before the ITC, and on appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Rich has counseled clients and rendered opinions on patent validity, infringement and freedom to use. He is a registered patent attorney with experience drafting patents and practicing before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Rich’s patent work has involved a wide range of technologies including image processing, 3d graphics, audio / video compression, computer hardware and software, e-commerce, network technologies, digital rights management and encryption.

Rich also helps companies address the novel litigation and transactional IP issues that arise when developing and working with AI and is a frequent lecturer on these topics.



  • Energy & Infrastructure Sector
  • Infrastructure
  • Energy
  • 輸送ファイナンス
  • Mergers & Acquisitions

Daniel Mathews パートナー

New York

Dan advises on projects spanning the energy and infrastructure sector, including toll roads, rail, airports, ports, thermal and renewable energy generation, transmission infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure, and water and waste facilities.

His key clients include major strategic and financial sponsors who have been involved in many of the largest and highest profile PPP and project development transactions over the past 30 years. Dan advises clients on Public-Private Partnerships, large-scale, complex project financings, and acquisitions and divestitures of projects and project portfolios, leading teams that have the depth and breadth to deliver excellence in every phase of a project, including development, construction, financing and operations, as well as providing leading M&A, restructuring and tax advice.

Dan has long been recognized as a leading practitioner in publications such as Chambers (every year since 2005), The Legal 500 and others. Clients describe him in Chambers as a “dean in the PPP space,” the “best in the business” and one client added that “he has an encyclopedic memory about all the deals in the market and a negotiating style that solves problems rather than creating them.”



  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • 知的財産
  • Trade Secrets Litigation

Denise Mingrone シニア・カウンセル


No stranger to the courtroom and having handled complex litigations for technology giants including Synopsys, Brocade, Applied Materials and Oracle, Denise seamlessly and efficiently manages large teams to secure victory. Clients appreciate her transparent collaboration and instinct for developing a strategy that ensures the right evidence is presented in the best manner.

The jury verdict Denise’s team obtained in the Netgear v. Ruckus Wireless patent trial, for example, surprised most because the team took over the case just weeks before jury selection, earning the number one place on that week’s “Top Jury Verdicts.” Prior to the Ruckus trial, Denise’s team similarly received accolades as “Top Verdict of the Year” for its jury win on behalf of Brocade against A10 Networks involving patent and copyright infringement. These victories were preceded by a trade secret win for MGA in the “Barbie v. Bratz” epic battle against Mattel, which earned Denise the “California Lawyer of the Year” award for her contributions.

In addition, Ms. Mingrone has led numerous software piracy matters, obtaining full relief whether through negotiation or litigation. Her work in this area encompasses both confidential as well as public investigations, all designed to ensure clients secure the protection of their intellectual property rights and receive appropriate relief when those rights are infringed.

As a former law clerk to several federal judges, Denise appreciates that cases do not turn on facts alone. She has waged and won numerous courtroom battles both obtaining and defending pre-trial injunction motions. As one opponent noted, “She’s a fierce advocate who will go to the mat for her client’s position.”



  • Finance Sector
  • 国際的租税
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Structured Finance
  • Energy & Infrastructure
  • 金融派生商品

John Narducci パートナー

New York

John has extensive experience in stock and asset acquisitions, including tax-free reorganizations. He has represented purchasers, sellers and lenders in structuring acquisitions and negotiating the tax aspects of stock purchase and asset purchase agreements. Many of these acquisitions involved cross-border transactions.

Working with issuers, underwriters and investment funds, John has advised clients on numerous securities offerings, including securitization transactions, tender option bonds and high yield debt. Such offerings involved issuers in more than 40 countries.

John regularly works on the restructuring of transactions, including structured financings, project financings and energy and infrastructure projects. He advises on the tax planning aspects of such transactions.

Mr. Narducci has been involved in the development of tax-efficient financial structures, particularly in the cross-border context. For example, he has created tax-efficient structures for several investment funds. He also advises several financial institutions with respect to derivatives transactions, including the tax aspects of ISDA Master Agreements.

He also works with regulated and unregulated participants in the energy market on financings and a wide range of other transactions. Some of these transactions involve rural electric cooperatives.

John also advises on the tax aspects of pass-through entities, project financings and a broad range of other matters. He worked on the sovereign debt restructurings of Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Croatia, Nigeria, Poland and Vietnam.


  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • Patents
  • 3D Printing
  • 知的財産
  • U.S. International Trade Commission
  • Inter Partes Review (IPR)
  • Automotive Technology & Mobility

T. Vann Pearce, Jr. パートナー

Washington, D.C.

He also counsels clients on patent licensing, portfolio development, and intellectual property due diligence. Vann co-founded Orrick's 3D printing practice.

In 2022-2023, Vann served as the Chief Practice Officer for the firm's IP & Litigation Business Units, which comprise nearly 400 attorneys globally. His responsibilities included oversight of the units' financial performance, business planning and execution, and lawyer recruiting. Vann also previously served as the firm’s U.S. Law School Hiring Partner, overseeing entry-level hiring nationwide.



  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • Technology Companies Group
  • Blockchain and Virtual Currency
  • 日本
  • Mergers & Acquisitions

Joseph Perkins パートナー


パーキンス氏は、 ブロックチェーンおよび暗号通貨市場において、企業が目標とする破壊的で変革的技術の市場への投入を達成する上での革新的かつ包括的な法的戦略の策定をサポート。また、DAOやNFTの創設、一般的な企業戦略や資金調達戦略、複雑で変化する規制体制のナビゲートにまで渡り対応しており、ブロックチェーンと仮想通貨エコシステムの企業の良きアドバイザーである。





  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • 知的財産
  • 日本

Steven J. Routh パートナー

Washington, D.C.


米国最高峰の法廷弁護士組織と広く認識され、メンバーシップは米国各州の弁護士数全体の1パーセント以下に限られるAmerican College of Trial Lawyersのメンバー。全米の多数の連邦裁判所および州裁判所における裁判で主任弁護士を務めている。更に、事件を公判前にクライアントに有利な条件にて却下または和解に持ち込むことでも数多くの成功を収めている。殆どの合衆国控訴裁判所において書面および口頭弁論の経験を有する。


  • 半導体フラッシュメモリに関する特許の侵害容疑が関与するITC第337条訴訟手続きにおける正式事実審理での原告側主任弁護士。
  • 消費者エレクトロニクス製品の大手製造会社に対する特許侵害申立てに関与した連邦地方裁判所での陪審審理における被告側主任弁護士。
  • 米国最大手の学生ローン会社に対する、契約違反・不法行為に関する陪審審理及び控訴審における原告側主任弁護士。College Loan Corp. v. SLM Corp. 396 F.3d 7 (4th Cir.)
  •  医療機器製造販売会社に対する陪審審理を含む一連の製造物責任関連訴訟事件における被告側主任弁護士。
  • ITC第337条訴訟手続きにおける原告側主任弁護士。結果、正式事実審理後、特許侵害の事実認定と半導体製造会社に対する排斥命令がもたらされた。


  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Technology Companies Group

Mark Seneca パートナー


Mark has a particular focus on the technology sector, having led hundreds of buy-side and sell-side transactions involving prominent high-tech serial acquirers, unicorns and venture back companies. His sell-side work involves multiple acquisitions by Google, Facebook, Salesforce.com, VMware, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Adobe, Yahoo! and Twitter. These deals include his high profile work for Mosaic ML on its US$1.3 billion acquisition by Databricks, Cruise Automation in its acquisition by General Motors, Nest Labs in its US$3.2 billion acquisition by Google, and Instagram in its US$1.0 billion acquisition by Facebook, which was ranked one of the top 10 largest valued private tech M&A deals in the U.S. in 2012. In an interview with Bloomberg Law for a “Rainmakers” episode, Mark provided a substantive analysis of the Instagram deal, including its industry precedent and influence (click here).

On the buy-side, Mark has served as lead M&A counsel for top public company acquirers (Yelp, Google, Yahoo! and Intellisync) as well as private company serial acquirers (Stripe, Pinterest and Social Finance).


  • Cyber, Privacy & Data Innovation
  • 知的財産
  • Trade Secrets Litigation
  • Strategic Advisory and Government Enforcement

Caroline Simons パートナー

Boston; New York

Tech and consumer-facing clients – from early-stage startups to some of the most recognizable online companies – turn to Caroline to protect their IP, brand, and reputation in litigation. Her expertise includes the fast-evolving areas of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and online safety, cybersecurity & data privacy litigation. In the past year, she has litigated more than 60 cases related to platform immunity and she is currently lead counsel in dozens of cases for one of the world's largest tech companies on claims challenging myriad aspects of its online services, including content moderation and product design.

A partner to her clients in crisis management, Caroline also advises them in cyber incident response, government and internal investigations and enforcement actions. Her experience at the intersection of online safety, IP and white-collar litigation gives her breadth of perspective and allows her to work with her clients to problem-solve and effectively manage enterprise risk. Clients appreciate Caroline's ability to collaborate with witnesses, company stakeholders and factfinders – both inside and outside the courtroom – to achieve meaningful results.

Caroline maintains an active pro bono practice, representing clients in Hague proceedings as well as children and refugees in asylum proceedings in conjunction with the Political Asylum / Immigration Representation (PAIR) Project. She has drafted amicus briefs in cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court and U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals in the areas of technology, criminal justice, and reproductive rights.



  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Capital Markets
  • Technology Companies Group
  • 日本
  • Taiwan

Richard Smith パートナー






  • Technology & Innovation Sector
  • Technology Companies Group
  • Life Sciences
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • 企業ガバナンス
  • Capital Markets

Stephen Thau パートナー

New York; シリコン・バレー

Stephen’s practice focuses on the representation of life science, medical device, health IT, and other technology companies in transactional matters, including public and private financings, licensing, collaborations and strategic alliances, and mergers and acquisitions. He also represents venture capital firms in public and private financing transactions.

Stephen is recognized as a Leading Life Sciences Lawyer by LMG Life Sciences in their 2021/2022 rankings and short-listed as Venture Capital Attorney of the Year. He has served as a member of the Board of Tech Council of Maryland, the leading technology and life science association in that state, and of BayBio, Northern California’s leading life sciences association. Stephen is a frequent speaker on venture capital financings and served on the faculty at the 2005 and 2007 Emerging Entrepreneurs workshops at Stanford University.

Prior to joining Orrick, Stephen was a partner at Morrison & Foerster, Venture Law Group and Heller Ehrman. He began his legal practice as a litigator, focusing on securities and intellectual property. He also served as a law clerk to the Hon. Vaughn R. Walker in the United States District Court in the Northern District of California. Stephen graduated Order of the Coif from Stanford Law School, where he was managing editor of the Stanford Law Review, and graduated magna cum laude from Harvard College in Biology.




  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Employment Law & Litigation
  • IP相談およびデューデリジェンス
  • 日本


New York




  • Energy & Infrastructure Sector
  • Energy & Infrastructure
  • Renewable Energy
  • Banking & Finance
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Energy
  • Infrastructure

A. Paul Zarnowiecki パートナー

Washington, D.C.

Transactions on which Paul has advised include the development, financing, acquisition and divestiture of renewable and conventional power projects and other infrastructure assets in a broad range of commercial and corporate transactions. He has served as lead counsel on some of the most innovative and complex U.S. renewable energy transactions in recent years in both the wind and solar energy sectors.

He is recognized by Chambers USA and Chambers Global, where clients describe him as "highly committed to ensuring clients get excellent service" and "very commercially minded," thinking "about his clients even when they don't have matters in front of him."




  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Restructuring
  • 複雑な訴訟および紛争処理
  • 日本
  • China



George also has experience on acquisition finance and restructuring matters. 

George has a very strong proficiency in the renewable energy sector, working alongside major players in the market and advising on key projects in France. George mainly advises on the financing and acquisition of windfarm and solar projects, lately he has counseled 123 Ventures, Impax, Nord LB and EOS Holding on different transactions.

George’s extensive experience on cross-border transactions includes negotiating and drafting international contracts or commercial partnerships with an emphasis on litigation issues succeeding the implementation of such agreements. Recently, George has advised Biostime, a Chinese manufacturer of nutritional and baby care products, listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange, regarding the signature of an industrial and commercial cooperation agreement with a French dairy cooperative.

Before joining Orrick, George was an associate with Watson, Farley & Williams. He previously worked for Fidal Peat International Paris and the Paris office of Proskauer Rose.