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Practical Internet of Things Security
Practical Internet of Things Security

Practical Internet of Things Security: Beat IoT security threats by strengthening your security strategy and posture against IoT vulnerabilities

By Drew Van Duren , Brian Russell
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Book Jun 2016 336 pages 1st Edition
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Practical Internet of Things Security

Chapter 1. A Brave New World


"When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills."

 --— Chinese proverb

The Internet of Things is changing everything. Unfortunately, many industries, consumer and commercial technology device owners, and infrastructure operators are fast discovering themselves at the precipice of a security nightmare. The drive to make all devices "smart" is creating a frenzy of opportunity for cyber-criminals, nation-state actors, and security researchers alike. These threats will only grow in their potential impact on the economy, corporations, business transactions, individual privacy, and safety. Target, Sony Pictures, insurance providers such as Blue Cross, and even the White House Office of Personnel and Management (OPM) provide vivid, not-so-pleasant newsflashes about major vulnerabilities and security breaches in the traditional cybersecurity sense. Some of these breaches have led to the tarnishing or downfall of companies and CEOs, and most importantly, significant damage to individual citizens. Our record in cybersecurity has proven to be substandard. Now consider the world of the Internet of Things, or IoT, things such as Linux-embedded smart refrigerators, connected washing machines, automobiles, wearables, implantable medical devices, factory robotics systems, and just about anything newly connected over networks. Historically, many of these industries never had to be concerned with security. Given the feverish race to be competitive with marketable new products and features, however, they now find themselves in dangerous territory, not knowing how to develop, deploy, and securely operate.

While we advance technologically, there are ever-present human motivations and tendencies in some people to attempt, consciously or unconsciously, to exploit those advancements. We asserted above that we are at the precipice of a security nightmare. What do we mean by this? For one, technology innovation in the IoT is rapidly outpacing the security knowledge and awareness of the IoT. New physical and information systems, devices, and connections barely dreamed of a decade ago are quickly stretching human ethics to the limit. Consider a similar field that allows us to draw analogies—bioethics and the new, extraordinary genetic engineering capabilities we now have. We can now biologically synthesize DNA from digitally sequenced nucleotide bases to engineer new attributes into creatures, and humans. Just because we can do something doesn't mean we always should. Just because we can connect a new device doesn't mean we always should. But that is exactly what the IoT is doing.

We must counterbalance all of our dreamy, hopeful thoughts about humanity's future with the fact that human consciousness and behavior always has, and always will, fall short of utopian ideals. There will always be overt and concealed criminal activity; there will always be otherwise decent citizens who find themselves entangled in plots, financial messes, blackmail; there will always be accidents; there will always be profiteers and scammers willing to hurt and benefit from the misery of others. In short, there will always be some individuals motivated to break in and compromise devices and systems for the same reason a burglar breaks into your house to steal your most prized possessions. Your loss is his gain. Worse, with the IoT, the motivation may extend to imposing physical injury or even death in some cases. A keystroke today can save a human life if properly configuring a pacemaker; it can also disable a car's braking system or hobble an Iranian nuclear research facility.

IoT security is clearly important, but before we can delve into practical aspects of securing it, the remainder of this chapter will address the following:

  • Defining the IoT

  • IoT uses today

  • The cybersecurity, cyber-physical, and IoT relationship

  • Why cross-industry collaboration is vital

  • The things in the IoT

  • Enterprise IoT

  • The IoT of the future and the need to secure it

Defining the IoT

While any new generation prides itself on the technological advancements it enjoys compared to its forebears, it is not uncommon for each to dismiss or simply not acknowledge the enormity of thought, innovation, collaboration, competition, and connections throughout history that made, say, smartphones or unmanned aircraft possible. The reality is that while previous generations may not have enjoyed the realizations in gadgetry we have today, they most certainly did envision them. Science fiction has always served as a frighteningly predictive medium, whether it's Arthur C. Clarke's envisioning of Earth-orbiting satellites or E.E. "Doc" Smith's classic sci-fi stories melding the universe of thought and action together (reminiscent of today's phenomenal, new brain-machine interfaces). While the term and acronym IoT is new, the ideas of today's and tomorrow's IoT are not.

Consider one of the greatest engineering pioneers, Nikola Tesla, who in a 1926 interview with Colliers magazine said:

"When wireless is perfectly applied the whole earth will be converted into a huge brain, which in fact it is, all things being particles of a real and rhythmic whole and the instruments through which we shall be able to do this will be amazingly simple compared with our present telephone. A man will be able to carry one in his vest pocket."


In 1950, the British scientist Alan Turing was quoted as saying:

"It can also be maintained that it is best to provide the machine with the best sense organs that money can buy, and then teach it to understand and speak English. This process could follow the normal teaching of a child."

Source: A. M. Turing (1950) Computing Machinery and Intelligence. Mind 49: 433-460

No doubt, the incredible advancements in digital processing, communications, manufacturing, sensors, and control are bringing to life the realistic imaginings of both our current generation and our forebears. Such advancements provide us a powerful metaphor of the very ecosystem of the thoughts, needs, and wants that drive us to build new tools and solutions we both want for enjoyment and need for survival.

We arrive then at the problem of how to define the IoT and how to distinguish the IoT from today's Internet of, well, computers. The IoT is certainly not a new term for mobile-to-mobile technology. It is far more. While many definitions of the IoT exist, we will primarily lean on the following three throughout this book:

  • The ITU's member-approved definition defines the IoT as "A global infrastructure for the information society, enabling advanced services by interconnecting (physical and virtual) things based on existing and evolving, interoperable information and communication technologies."

  • The IEEE's small environment description of the IoT is "An IoT is a network that connects uniquely identifiable "things" to the Internet. The "things" have sensing/actuation and potential programmability capabilities. Through the exploitation of the unique identification and sensing, information about the "thing" can be collected and the state of the "thing" can be changed from anywhere, anytime, by anything."

  • The IEEE's large environment scenario describes the IoT as "Internet of Things envisions a self-configuring, adaptive, complex network that interconnects things to the Internet through the use of standard communication protocols. The interconnected things have physical or virtual representation in the digital world, sensing/actuation capability, a programmability feature, and are uniquely identifiable. The representation contains information including the thing's identity, status, location, or any other business, social or privately relevant information. The things offer services, with or without human intervention, through the exploitation of unique identification, data capture and communication, and actuation capability. The service is exploited through the use of intelligent interfaces and is made available anywhere, anytime, and for anything taking security into consideration."

Each of these definitions is complementary. They overlap and describe just about anything that can be dreamed up and physically or logically connected to anything else over a diverse, Internet-connected world.

Cybersecurity versus IoT security and cyber-physical systems

IoT security is not traditional cybersecurity, but a fusion of cybersecurity with other engineering disciplines. It addresses much more than mere data, servers, network infrastructure, and information security. Rather, it includes the direct or distributed monitoring and/or control of the state of physical systems connected over the Internet. In other words, a large element of what distinguishes the IoT from cybersecurity is what many industry practitioners today refer to as cyber-physical systems. Cybersecurity, if you like that term at all, generally does not address the physical and security aspects of the hardware device or the physical world interactions it can have. Digital control of physical processes over networks makes the IoT unique in that the security equation is not limited to basic information assurance principles of confidentiality, integrity, non-repudiation, and so on, but also that of physical resources and machines that originate and receive that information in the physical world. In other words, the IoT has very real analog and physical elements. IoT devices are physical things, many of which are safety-related. Therefore, the compromise of such devices may lead to physical harm of persons and property, even death.

The subject of IoT security, then, is not the application of a single, static set of meta-security rules as they apply to networked devices and hosts. It requires a unique application for each system and system-of-systems in which IoT devices participate. IoT devices have many different embodiments, but collectively, an IoT device is almost anything possessing the following properties:

  • Ability to communicate either directly on, or indirectly over the Internet

  • Manipulates or monitors something physical (in the device or the device's medium or environment), that is, the thing itself, or a direct connection to a thing

Cognizant of these two properties, anything physical can be an IoT device because anything physical today can be connected to the Internet with the appropriate electronic interfaces. The security of the IoT device is then a function of the device's use, the physical process or state impacted by or controlled by the device, and the sensitivity of the systems to which the device connects.

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are a huge, overlapping subset of the IoT. They fuse a broad range of engineering disciplines, each with a historically well-defined scope that includes the essential theory, lore, application, and relevant subject matter needed by their respective practitioners. These topics range from engineering dynamics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, control theory, digital design, and many others. So, what is the difference between the IoT and CPSs? Borrowing from the IEEE, the principal difference is that a CPS comprising connected sensors, actuators, and monitoring/control systems do not necessarily have to be connected to the Internet. A CPS can be isolated from the Internet and still achieve its business objective. From a communications perspective, an IoT is comprised of things that, necessarily and by definition, are connected to the Internet and through some aggregation of applications achieve some business objective.


Note that CPS, even if technically air-gapped from the Internet, will almost always be connected in some way to the Internet, whether through its supply chain, operating personnel, or out-of-band software patch management system.

In other words, it is worthwhile to think of the IoT as a superset of CPS, as CPS can be enveloped into the IoT simply by connectivity to the Internet. A CPS is generally a rigorously engineered system designed for safety, security, and functionality. Emergent enterprise IoT deployments should take lessons learned from the engineering rigor associated with CPS.

Why cross-industry collaboration is vital

We will cover IoT security engineering in the following chapters, but for now we would like to emphasize how cross-discipline security engineering is in the real world. One struggles to find it covered in academic curricula outside of a few university computer science programs, network engineering, or dedicated security programs such as SANS. Most security practitioners have strong computer science and networking skills but are less versed in the physical and safety engineering disciplines covered by core engineering curricula. So, the cyber-physical aspects of the IoT face a safety versus security clash of cultures and conundrums:

  • Everyone is responsible for security

  • The IoT and CPS expose huge security problems crisscrossing information computing and the physical world

  • Most traditional, core engineering disciplines rarely address security engineering (though some address safety)

  • Many security engineers are ignorant of core engineering disciplines (for example, mechanical, chemical, electrical), including fault-tolerant safety design

Because the IoT is concerned with connecting physically engineered and manufactured objects—and thus may be a CPS—this conundrum more than any other comes into play. The IoT device engineer may be well versed in safety issues, but not fully understand the security implications of design decisions. Likewise, skilled security engineers may not understand the physical engineering nuances of a thing to ascertain and characterize its physical-world interactions (in its intended environment) and fix them. In other words, core engineering disciplines typically focus on functional design, creating things to do what we want them to do. Security engineering shifts the view to consider what the thing can do and how one might misuse it in ways the original designer never considered. Malicious hackers depend on this. The refrigeration system engineer never had to consider a cryptographic access control scheme in what was historically a basic thermodynamic system design. Now, designers of connected refrigerators do, because malicious hackers will look for unauthenticated data originating from the refrigerator or attempt to exploit it and pivot to additional nodes in a home network.

Security engineering is maturing as a cross-discipline, fortunately. One can argue that it is more efficient to enlighten a broad range of engineering professionals in baseline security principles than it is to train existing security engineers in all physical engineering subjects. Improving IoT security requires that security engineering tenets and principles be learned and promulgated by the core engineering disciplines in their respective industries. If not, industries will never succeed in responding well to emergent threats. Such a response requires appropriating the right security mitigations at the right time when they are the least expensive to implement (that is, the original design as well as its flexibility and accommodation of future-proofing principles). For example, a thermodynamics process and control engineer designing a power-plant will have tremendous knowledge concerning the physical processes of the control system, safety redundancies, and so on. If she understands security engineering principles, she will be in a much better position to dictate additional sensors, redundant state estimation logic, or redundant actuators based on certain exposures to other networks. In addition, she will be in a much better position to ascertain the sensitivity of certain state variables and timing information that network, host, application, sensor, and actuator security controls should help protect. She can better characterize the cyber-attack and control system interactions that might cause gas pressure and temperature tolerances to be exceeded with a resultant explosion. The traditional network cybersecurity engineer will not have the physical engineering basis on which to orchestrate these design decisions.

Before characterizing today's IoT devices and enterprises, it should be clear how cross-cutting the IoT is across industries. Medical device and biomedical companies, automotive and aircraft manufacturers, the energy industry, even video game makers and broad consumer markets are involved in the IoT. These industries, historically isolated from each other, must learn to collaborate when it comes to securing their devices and infrastructure. Unfortunately, there are some in these industries who believe that most security mitigations need to be developed and deployed uniquely in each industry. This isolated, turf-protecting approach is ill-advised and short-sighted. It has the potential of stifling valuable cross-industry security collaboration, learning, and development of common countermeasures.

IoT security is an equal-opportunity threat environment; the same threats against one industry exist against the others. An attack and compromise of one device today may represent a threat to devices in almost all other industries. A smart light bulb installed in a hospital may be compromised and used to perform various privacy attacks on medical devices. In other words, the cross-industry relationship may be due to intersections in the supply chain or the fact that one industry's IoT implementations were added to another industry's systems. Real-time intelligence as well as lessons learned from attacks against industrial control systems should be leveraged by all industries and tailored to suit. Threat intelligence, defined well by Gartner, is: evidence-based knowledge, including context, mechanisms, indicators, implications and actionable advice, about an existing or emerging menace or hazard to assets that can be used to inform decisions regarding the subject's response to that menace or hazard (

The discovery, analysis, understanding and sharing of how real-world threats are compromising ever-present vulnerabilities needs to be improved for the IoT. No single industry, government organization, standards body or other entity can assume to be the dominant control of threat intelligence and information sharing. Security is an ecosystem.

As a government standards body, NIST is well aware of this problem. NIST's recently formed CPS Public Working Group represents a cross-industry collaboration of security professionals working to build a framework approach to solving many cyber-physical IoT challenges facing different industries. It is accomplishing this in meta-form through its draft Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems. This framework provides a useful reference frame from which to describe CPS along with their security and physical properties. Industries will be able to leverage the framework to improve and communicate CPS designs and provide a basis on which to develop system-specific security standards. This book will address CPS security in more detail in terms of common patterns that span many industries.

Like the thermodynamics example we provided above, cyber-physical and many IoT systems frequently invoke an intersection of safety and security engineering, two disciplines that have developed on very different evolutionary paths but which possess partially overlapping goals. We will delve more into safety aspects of IoT security engineering later in this volume, but for now we point out an elegantly expressed distinction between safety and security provided by noted academic Dr. Barry Boehm, Axelrod, W. C., Engineering Safe and Secure Software Systems, p.61, Massachussetts, Artech House, 2013. He poignantly but beautifully expressed the relationship as follows:

  • Safety: The system must not harm the world

  • Security: The world must not harm the system

Thus it is clear that the IoT and IoT security are much more complex than traditional networks, hosts and cybersecurity. Safety-conscious industries such as aircraft manufacturers, regulators, and researchers have evolved highly effective safety engineering approaches and standards because aircraft can harm the world, and the people in it. The aircraft industry today, like the automotive industry, is now playing catch-up with regard to security due to the accelerating growth of network connectivity to their vehicles.

IoT uses today

It is a cliché to declare how fast Moore's law is changing our technology-rich world, how connected our devices, social networks, even bodies, cars, and other objects are becoming.

Another useful way to think of the IoT is what happens when the network extends not to the last mile or last inch endpoint, but the last micron where virtual and digital become physical. Whether the network extends to a motor servo controller, temperature sensor, accelerometer, light bulb, stepper motor, washing machine monitor, or pacemaker, the effect is the same; the information sources and sinks allow broad control, monitoring, and useful visibility between our physical and virtual worlds. In the case of the IoT, the physical world is a direct component of the digital information, whether acting as subject or object.

IoT applications are boundless. Volumes could be written today about what is already deployed and what is currently being planned. The following are just a few examples of how we are leveraging the IoT.

Energy industry and smart grid

Fast disappearing are the days of utility companies sending workers out in vans to read the electrical and gas meters mounted to the exterior of your house. Some homes today and all homes tomorrow will be connected homes with connected smart appliances that communicate electrical demand and load information with the utilities. Combined with a utility's ability to reach down into the home's appliance, such demand-response technology aims to make our energy generation and distribution systems much more efficient, resilient, and more supportive of environmentally responsible living. Home appliances represent just one Home Area Network component of the so-called smart grid, however. The distribution, monitoring, and control systems of this energy system involve the IoT in many capacities. Ubiquitous sensing, control, and communications needed in energy production are critical CPS elements of the IoT. The newly installed smart meter now attached to your home is just one example, and allows direct two-way communication between your home's electrical enclave and the utility providing its energy.

Connected vehicles and transportation

Consider a connected automobile that is constantly leveraging an onboard array of sensors that scan the roadway and make real-time calculations to identify potential safety issues that a driver would not be able to see. Now, add additional vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication capabilities that allow other cars to message and signal to your vehicle. Preemptive messages allow decisions to be made based on information that is not yet available to the driver's or vehicle's line-of-sight sensors (for example, reporting of vehicle pile-up in dense fog conditions). With all of these capabilities, we can begin to have confidence in the abilities of cars to eventually drive themselves (autonomous vehicles) safely and not just report hazards to us.


The manufacturing world has driven a substantial amount of the industrial IoT use cases. Robotic systems, assembly lines, manufacturing plan design and operation; all of these systems are driven by myriad types of connected sensors and actuators. Originally isolated, now they're connected over various data buses, intranets, and the Internet. Distributed automation and control requires diverse and distributed devices communicating with management and monitoring applications. Improving the efficiency of these systems has been the principal driver for such IoT enablement.


Wearables in the IoT include anything strapped to or otherwise attached to the human body that collects state, communicates information, or otherwise performs some type of control function on or around the individual. The Apple iWatch, FitBit, and others are well-known examples. Wearable, networked sensors may detect inertial acceleration (for example, to evaluate a runner's stride and tempo), heart rate, temperature, geospatial location (for calculating speed and historic tracks), and many others. The enormous utility of wearables and the data they produce is evident in the variety of wearable applications available on today's iTunes proprietary application stores. The majority of wearables have direct or indirect network connectivity to various cloud service providers typically associated with the wearables manufacturer (for example, Fitbit). Some organizations are now including wearables in corporate fitness programs to track employee health and encourage health-conscious living with the promise of lowering corporate and employee healthcare expenses.

New advancements will transform wearables, however, into far more sophisticated structures and enhancements to common living items. For example, micro devices and sensors are being embedded into clothing; virtual reality goggles are being miniaturized and are transforming how we simultaneously interface with the physical and virtual worlds. In addition, the variety of new consumer-level medical wearables promises to improve health monitoring and reporting. The barriers are fast disappearing between the machine and the human body.

Implantables and medical devices

If wearable IoT devices don't closely enough bridge the physical and cyber domains, implantables make up the distance. Implantables include any sensor, controller, or communication device that is inserted and operated within the human body. While implantable IoT devices are typically associated with the medical field (for example, pacemakers), they may also include non-medical products and use cases such as embedded RFID tags usable in physical and logical access control systems. The implant industry is no different than any other device industry in that it has added new communication interfaces to implanted devices that allow the devices to be accessed, controlled, and monitored over a network. Those devices just happened to be located subcutaneously in human beings or other creatures. Both wearables and implantable IoT devices are being miniaturized in the form of micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMS), some of which can communicate over radio frequency (RF).

The IoT in the enterprise

Enterprise IoT is also moving forward with the deployment of IoT systems that serve various business purposes. Some industries have matured their concepts of IoT more than others. In the energy industry, for example, the roll-out of advanced metering infrastructures (which include smart meters with wireless communications capabilities) has greatly enhanced the energy use and monitoring capabilities of the utility. Other industries, such as retail, for example, are still trying to determine how to fully leverage new sensors and data in retail establishments to support enhanced marketing capabilities, improved customer satisfaction, and higher sales.

The architecture of IoT enterprise systems is relatively consistent across industries. Given the various technology layers and physical components that comprise an IoT ecosystem, it is good to consider an enterprise IoT implementation as a system-of-systems. The architecting of these systems that provide business value to organizations can be a complex undertaking, as enterprise architects work to design integrated solutions that include edge devices, gateways, applications, transports, cloud services, diverse protocols, and data analytics capabilities.

Indeed, some enterprises may find that they must utilize IoT capabilities typically found in other industries and served by new or unfamiliar technology providers. Consider a typical Fortune 500 company that may own both manufacturing and retail facilities. This company's Chief Information Officer (CIO) may need to consider deploying smart manufacturing systems, including sensors that track industrial equipment health status, robotics that perform various manufacturing functions, as well as sensors that provide data used to optimize the overall manufacturing process. Some of the deployed sensors may even be embedded right in their own products to add additional benefits for their customers.

This same company must also consider how to leverage the IoT to offer enhanced retail experiences to their customers. This may include information transmitted to smart billboards. In the near future, through direct integration with a connected vehicle's infotainment system, customized advertisements to consumers as they pass by a retail establishment will be possible. There are also complex data analytics capabilities required to support these integrations and customizations.

Elaborating on the Fortune 500 company example, the same CIO may also be tasked with managing fleets of connected cars and shipping vehicles, drone systems that support the inspection of critical infrastructure and facilities, agricultural sensors that are embedded into the ground to provide feedback on soil quality, and even sensors embedded in concrete to provide feedback on the curing process at their construction sites. These examples only begin to scratch the surface of the types of connected IoT implementations and deployments we will see by 2020 and beyond.

This complexity introduces challenges to keeping the IoT secure, and ensuring that particular instances of the IoT cannot be used as a pivoting point to attack other enterprise systems and applications. For this, organizations must employ the services of enterprise security architects who can look at the IoT from the big picture perspective. Security architects will need to be critically involved early in the design process to establish security requirements that must be tracked and followed through during the development and deployment of the enterprise IoT system. It is much too expensive to attempt to integrate security after the fact. Enterprise security architects will select the infrastructure and backend system components that can easily scale to support not only the massive quantities of IoT-generated data, but also have the ability to make secure, actionable sense of all of that data. The following figure provides a representative view of a generic enterprise IoT system-of-systems, and showcases the IoT's dynamic and diverse nature:

Generically, an IoT deployment can consist of smart sensors, control systems and actuators, web and other cloud services, analytics, reporting, and a host of other components and services that satisfy a variety of business use cases. Note that in the preceding figure, we see energy IoT deployments connected to the cloud along with connected vehicle roadside equipment, healthcare equipment, and environmental monitoring sensors. This is not accidental—as previously discussed, one principal feature of IoT is that anything can be connected to everything, and everything to anything. It is perfectly conceivable that a healthcare biosensor both connects to a hospital's monitoring and data analytics system and simultaneously communicates power consumption data to local and remote energy monitoring equipment and systems.

As enterprise security architects begin to design their systems, they will note that the flexibility associated with today's IoT market affords them significant creative ability, as they bring together many different types of protocols, processors, and sensors to meet business objectives. As designs mature, it will become evident that organizations should consider a revision to their overall enterprise architecture to better meet the scaling needs afforded by the large quantities of data that will be collected. Gartner predicts that we will begin to see a shift in the design of transport networks and data processing centers as the IoT matures:

"IoT threatens to generate massive amounts of input data from sources that are globally distributed. Transferring the entirety of that data to a single location for processing will not be technically and economically viable. The recent trend to centralize applications to reduce costs and increase security is incompatible with the IoT. Organizations will be forced to aggregate data in multiple distributed mini data centers where initial processing can occur. Relevant data will then be forwarded to a central site for additional processing."


In other words, unprecedented amounts of data will be moved around in unprecedented ways. Integration points will also play a significant role in an enterprise's IoT adoption strategy. Today's ability to share data across organizational boundaries is large, but dwarfed by the justifications and ability to do so in the near future. Many of the data analytics capabilities that support the IoT will rely on a mix of data captured from sensors as well as data from third parties and independent websites.

Consider the concept of a microgrid. Microgrids are self-contained energy generation and distribution systems that allow owner-operators to be heavily self-sufficient. Microgrid control systems rely on data captured from the edge devices themselves, for example, solar panels or wind turbines, but also require data collected from the Internet. The control system may capture data on energy prices from the local utility through an application programming interface (API) that allows the system to determine the optimal time to generate versus buy (or even sell back) energy from the utility. The same control system may require weather forecast feeds to predict how much energy their solar panel installations will generate during a certain period of time.

Another example of the immense data collection from IoT devices is the anticipated proliferation of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)—or drones—that provide an aerial platform for deploying data-rich airborne sensors. Today, 3D terrain mapping is performed by inexpensive drones that collect high-resolution images and associated metadata (location, camera information, and so on) and transfer them to powerful backend systems for photogrammetric processing and digital model generation. The processing of these datasets is too computationally intensive to perform directly on a drone that faces unavoidable size, weight, and power constraints. It must be done in backend systems and servers. These uses will continue to grow, especially as the countries around the world make progress at safely integrated unmanned aircraft into their national airspace systems.

From a security perspective, it is interesting to examine an enterprise IoT implementation based on the many new points of connection and data types. These integration points can significantly heighten the attack surface of an enterprise; therefore, they must be thoroughly evaluated to understand the threats and most cost-effective mitigations.

Another IoT challenge facing enterprise engineers is the ability to securely automate processes and workflows. One of the greatest strengths of the IoT its emphasis on automating transactions between devices and systems; however, we must ensure that sufficient levels of trust are engineered into the systems supporting those transactions. Not doing so will allow adversaries to leverage the automation processes for their own purposes as scalable attack vectors. Organizations that heavily automate workflows should spend adequate time designing their endpoint hardening strategies and the cryptographic support technologies that are vitally important to enabling device and system trust. This can often include infrastructure build-outs such as Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that provision authentication, confidentiality, and cryptographic credentials to each endpoint in a transaction to enable confidentiality, integrity, and authentication services.

The things in the IoT

There are so many different types of "things" within the IoT that it becomes difficult to prescribe security recommendations for the development of any one particular thing. To aid in doing this, we must first understand the definition of devices and things. ITU-T Y.2060 prescribes the following definitions:

  • Device: A piece of equipment with the mandatory capabilities of communication and the optional capabilities of sensing, actuation, data capture, data storage, and data processing

  • Thing: An object of the physical world (physical things) or the information world (virtual things), which is capable of being identified and integrated into communication networks

An intrinsic capability of a thing, as it applies to the IoT, is its capability to communicate. The communication methods and layers, especially as they apply to security, are therefore given special attention in this book. Other aspects, such as data storage, sophisticated processing, and data capture, are not present in all IoT devices, but will be addressed in this book as well.

The definition of a thing is especially interesting as it refers to both physical and virtual devices. In practice, we have seen the concept of virtual things in the context of cloud provider solutions. For example, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) IoT Cloud service includes elements known as thing shadows, virtual representations of physical things. These thing shadows allow the enterprise to track the state of physical things even when network connectivity is disrupted and they are not observably online.

Some common IoT things include smart home appliances, connected vehicles (onboard equipment as well as roadside-mounted units), RFID systems used in inventory and identification systems, wearables, wired and wireless sensor arrays and networks, local and remote gateways (mobile phones, tablets), Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), and a host of typically low-power embedded devices. Next, we decompose common elements of IoT devices.

The IoT device lifecycle

Before delving into the basic constitution of an IoT device, we first need to clarify aspects of the IoT lifecycle. IoT security ultimately depends on the entire lifecycle, therefore this book aims to provide security guidance across most of it. You will see certain terms in this book used to specify different IoT lifecycle phases and the relevant actors in each.

IoT device implementation

This includes all aspects of IoT device design and development. At times, we simply refer to it as implementation. It includes the actual, physical, and logical designers of an IoT device in its manufacturing and patching supply chain. Organizations included in this phase include the following:

  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (or just "manufacturer") (OEM): OEMs will typically procure off-the-shelf hardware and firmware and tailor a device with unique physical characteristics, enclosure, and/or applications. They package and distribute the products to end operators.

  • Board Support Package (BSP) vendors: This vendor typically provides to the OEM customized or off-the-shelf firmware, APIs, and drivers between the hardware and operating systems.

  • Original Design Manufacturers (ODM): ODMs will typically provide custom operating systems and OS APIs to OEMs. They may also include hardware sub-assemblies that OEMs make use of.

IoT service implementation

This phase refers to the service organizations who support IoT deployments through enterprise APIs, gateways, and other architectural commodities. Organizations supporting this phase include the following:

  • Cloud service provider (CSP): These organizations typically provide, at a minimum, infrastructure as a service

  • OEMs: In some cases, IoT device manufacturers (for example, Samsung) operate and manage their own infrastructure

IoT device and service deployment

This lifecycle phase refers to the end deployment of the IoT devices using IoT infrastructure. IoT deployment typically involves IoT application providers, end service providers, and other businesses. Some of these businesses may operate their own infrastructures (for example, some OEMs), but some make use of existing infrastructure offerings as provided by Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, and others. They typically provide service layers on top of what the infrastructure supports.

This book jumps around the three simplified lifecycle categories described above depending on the security topic at hand. Each has an indispensible impact on the end security of the devices and their tailored usage.

The hardware

There are a number of IoT development boards that have become popular for prototyping and provide various levels of functionality. Examples of these boards come from Arduino, Beagle Board, Pinoccio, Rasberry Pi, and CubieBoard, among others. These development boards include microcontrollers (MCUs), which serve as the brains of the device, provide memory, and a number of both digital and analog General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins. These boards can be modularly stacked with other boards to provide communication capabilities, new sensors, actuators, and so on to form a complete IoT device.

There are a number of MCUs on the market today that are well suited for IoT development and included within various development boards. Leading developers of MCUs include ARM, Intel, Broadcom, Atmel, Texas Instruments (TI), Freescale, and Microchip Technology. MCUs are integrated circuits (IC) that contain a processor, Read Only Memory (ROM), and Random Access Memory (RAM). Memory resources are frequently limited in these devices; however, a number of manufacturers are IoT-enabling just about anything by augmenting these microcontrollers with complete network stacks, interfaces, and RF and cellular-type transceivers. All of this horsepower is going into system-on-chip configurations and miniaturized daughter boards (single board computers).

In terms of sensor types in the IoT, the sky is the limit. Examples include temperature sensors, accelerometers, air quality sensors, potentiometers, proximity sensors, moisture sensors, and vibration sensors. These sensors are frequently hardwired into the MCU for local processing, responsive actuation, and/or relay to other systems.

Operating systems

Although some IoT devices do not require an operating system, many utilize real time operating system (RTOS) for process and memory management as well as utility services supporting messaging and other communications. The selection of each RTOS is based on needed performance, security and functional requirements of the product.

The selection of any particular IoT component product needs to be evaluated against the requirements of a particular IoT system. Some organizations may require more elaborate operating systems with additional security features such as separation kernels, high assurance process isolation, information flow control, and/or tightly integrated cryptographic security architectures. In these scenarios, an enterprise security architect should look to procure devices that support high-assurance RTOSes, such as Green Hills IntegrityOS or Lynx Software's LynxOS. Some popular IoT operating systems include TinyOS, Contiki, Mantis, FreeRTOS, BrilloOS, Embedded Linux, ARM's mbedOS, and Snappy Ubuntu Core.

Other critical security attributes pertain to security configuration and the storage of security sensitive parameters. In some instances, configuration settings that are applied to an operating system are lost upon power cycle without battery-backed RAM or some other persistent storage. In many instances, a configuration file is kept within persistent memory to provide the various network and other settings necessary to allow the device to perform its functions and communicate. Of even greater interest is the handling of the root password, other account passwords, and cryptographic keys stored on the devices when the device is power-cycled. Each of these issues has one or more security implications and requires the attention of security engineers.

IoT communications

In most deployments, an IoT device communicates with a gateway that in turn communicates with a controller or a web service. There are many gateway options, some as simple as a mobile device (smart phone) co-located with the IoT endpoint and communicating over an RF protocol such as Bluetooth-LE, ZigBee, or Wi-Fi. Gateways such as this are sometimes called edge gateways. Others may be more centrally located in data centers to support any number of dedicated or proprietary gateway IoT protocols, such as message queuing telemetry transport (MQTT) or representational state transfer (REST) communications. The web service may be provided by the manufacturer of the device, or it may be an enterprise or public cloud service that collects information from the fielded edge devices.

In many situations, the end-to-end connectivity between a fielded IoT device and web service may be provided by a series of field and cloud gateways, each aggregating larger quantities of data from sprawled-out devices. Dell, Intel, and other companies have recently introduced IoT gateways to the market. Companies such as Systech offer multi-protocol gateways that allow for a variety of IoT device types to be connected together, using multiple antennas and receivers. There are also consumer-focused gateways, also called hubs, available in the commercial market, that support smart home communications. The Samsung SmartThings hub ( is one example of this.

IoT devices may also communicate horizontally, enabling some powerful interactive features. Enabling connected workflows requires the ability to interface via an API to many diverse IoT product types. Consider the example of the smart home for illustrative purposes. As you wake in the morning, your wearable autonomously transmits the wake-up signal over the Wi-Fi network to subscribing devices. The smart television turns on to your favorite news channel, the window blinds automatically rise, the coffee maker kicks off, the shower starts and your car sets a timer to warm up before you leave your home. All of these interactions are enabled through device-to-device communications and illustrate the immense potential of applying the IoT to business enterprises.

Within an IoT device and its host network, a wide array of protocols may be used to enable message transfer and communication. The selection of the appropriate stack of messaging and communication protocols is dependent upon the use cases and security requirements of any specific system; however, there are common protocols that each serve valuable purposes:

This figure provides a view into some of the better-known protocols that can be implemented by IoT devices to form a complete communications stack.

It is worth noting that at this time, many products' design and security requirements are purely up to the manufacturer due to the infancy of the IoT. In many cases, security professionals may not be included this early in the development phase. Although some organizations may provide guidelines, suggestions and checklists, it is important to note that industry regulations strictly pertaining to IoT devices are almost non-existent. The industry for which the device is intended may have its own requirements for privacy, transport communications, and so on, but they are typically based on existing regulatory or compliance requirements such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX, and others. The industrial IoT will probably lead the way in developing much-needed security standardizations before consumer-oriented organizations. For the time being, early efforts to secure IoT implementation and deployment are akin to stuffing square pegs into round holes. The IoT simply has different needs.

Messaging protocols

At the top of the IoT communication stack live the protocols that support the exchange of formatted message data between two endpoints, typically clients and servers, or client-to-client. Protocols such as the MQTT, the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP), the Data Distribution Service (DDS), the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) run on top of lower-layer communication protocols and provide the ability for both clients and servers to efficiently agree upon data to exchange. RESTful communications can also be run very effectively within many IoT systems. As of today, REST-based communications and MQTT seem to be leading the way.



MQTT is a publish/subscribe model whereby clients subscribe to topics and maintain an always-on TCP connection to a broker server. As new messages are sent to the broker, they include the topic with the message, allowing the broker to determine which clients should receive the message. Messages are pushed to the clients through the always-on connection.

This neatly supports a variety of communication use cases, wherein sensors MQTT-publish their data to a broker and the broker passes them on to other subscribing systems that have an interest in consuming or further processing the sensor data. Although MQTT is primarily suited for use over TCP-based networks, the MQTT For Sensor Networks (MQTT-SN) specification provides an optimized version of MQTT for use within wireless sensor networks (WSN).

Stanford-Clark and Linh Truong. MQTT For Sensor Networks (MQTT-SN) protocol specification, Version 1.2. International Business Machines (IBM). 2013. URL:

MQTT-SN is well suited for use with battery-operated devices possessing limited processing and storage resources. It allows sensors and actuators to make use of the publish/subscribe model on top of ZigBee and similar RF protocol specifications.


CoAP is another IoT messaging protocol, UDP-based, and intended for use in resource-constrained Internet devices such as WSN nodes. It consists of a set of messages that map easily to HTTP: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.


CoAP device implementations communicate to web servers using specific Uniform Resource Indicators (URIs) to process commands. Examples of CoAP-enabled implementations include smart light switches in which the switch sends a PUT command to change the behavior (state, color) of each light in the system.


XMPP is based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) and is an open technology for real-time communications. It evolved from the Jabber Instant Messaging (IM) protocol:

XMPP supports the transmission of XML messages over TCP transport, allowing IoT developers to efficiently implement service discovery and service advertisements.

XMPP-IoT is a tailored version of XMPP. Similar to human-to-human communication scenarios, XMPP-IoT communications begin with friend requests:

Upon confirmation of a friend request, the two IoT devices are able to communicate with each other regardless of their domains. There also exist parent-child device relationships. Parent nodes within XMPP-IoT offer a degree of security in that they can provide policies dictating whom a particular child node can trust (and hence become friends with). Communication between IoT devices cannot proceed without a confirmed friend request between them.


DDS is a data bus used for integrating intelligent machines. Like MQTT, it also uses a publish/subscribe model for readers to subscribe to topics of interest.


DDS allows communications to happen in an anonymous and automated fashion, since no relationship between endpoints is required. Additionally, Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms are built into the protocol. DDS is designed primarily for device-to-device communication and is used in deployment scenarios involving wind farms, medical imaging systems, and asset-tracking systems.


AMQP was designed to provide a queuing system in support of server-to-server communications. Applied to the IoT, it allows for both publish/subscribe and point-to-point based communications. AMQP IoT endpoints listen for messages on each queue. AMQP has been deployed in numerous sectors, such as transportation in which vehicle telemetry devices provide data to analytics systems for near-real-time processing.


Most of the message specifications discussed so far require the implementation of protocol-specific gateways or other devices to either re-encapsulate the communications over another protocol (for example, if it needs to become IP-routable) or perform protocol translation. The different ways of fusing such protocols can have enormous security implications, potentially introducing new attack surfaces into an enterprise. Protocol limitations, configuration, and stacking options must be taken into account during the design of the enterprise architecture. Threat modeling exercises by appropriately qualified protocol security engineers can help in the process.

Transport protocols

The Internet was designed to operate reliably using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which facilitates the acknowledgement of TCP segments transmitted across a network. TCP is the protocol of choice for today's web-based communications as the underlying, reliable transport. Some IoT products have been designed to operate using TCP (for example, those products robust enough to employ a full TCP/IP stack that can speak HTTP or MQTT over a secure (TLS) connection). TCP is frequently unsuitable for use in constrained network environments suffering from high latency or limited bandwidth.

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provides a useful alternative, however. UDP provides a lightweight transport mechanism for connectionless communications (unlike session-based TCP). Many highly constrained IoT sensor devices support UDP. For example, MQTT-SN is a tailored version of MQTT that works with UDP. Other protocols, such as CoAP, are also designed to work well with UDP. There is even an alternative TLS design called Datagram TLS (DTLS) intended for products that implement UDP-based transport.

Network protocols

IPv4 and IPv6 both play a role at various points within many IoT systems. Tailored protocol stacks such as IPv6 over Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPAN) support the use of IPv6 within network-constrained environments common to many IoT devices. 6LoWPan supports wireless Internet connectivity at lower data rates to accommodate highly constrained device form factors:

6LoWPAN builds upon the 802.15.4 -Low Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LRWPAN) specification to create an adaptation layer that supports IPv6. The adaptation layer provides features that include IPv6 with UDP header compression and support for fragmentation, allowing constrained sensors, for example, to be used in building automation and security. Using 6LoWPAN, designers can take advantage of link encryption offered within IEEE 802.15.4 but can also apply transport layer encryption such as DTLS.

Data link and physical protocols

If you examine the many communication protocols available within the IoT, you notice that one in particular, IEEE 802.15.4, plays a significant role as the foundation for other protocols—providing the Physical (PHY) and Medium Access Control (MAC) layers for protocols such as ZigBee, 6LoWPAN, WirelessHART, and even thread.

IEEE 802.15.4

802.15.4 is designed to operate using either point-to-point or star topologies and is ideal for use in low-power or low-speed environments. 802.15.4 devices operate in the 915 MHz and 2.4 GHz frequency ranges, support data rates up to 250 kb/s and communication ranges of roughly 10 meters. The PHY layer is responsible for managing RF network access, while the MAC layer is responsible for managing transmission and receipt of frames onto the data link.


Another protocol that operates at this layer of the stack is ZWave. ZWave supports the transmission of three frame types on a network – unicast, multicast, and broadcast. Unicast communications (that is, direct) are acknowledged by the receiver; however, neither multicast nor broadcast transmissions are acknowledged. ZWave networks consist of controllers and slaves. There are variants of each of these, of course. For example, there can be both primary and secondary controllers. Primary controllers have responsibilities such as the ability to add/remove nodes form the network. ZWave operates at 908.42 MHz (North America)/868.42 MHz (Europe) frequency with data rates of 100 kb/s over a range of about 30 meters.

Bluetooth/Bluetooth Smart (also known as Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE) is an evolution of Bluetooth designed for enhanced battery life. Bluetooth Smart achieves its power saving capability by defaulting to sleep mode and only waking when needed. Both operate in the 2.4 GHz frequency range. Bluetooth Smart implements a high-rate frequency-hopping spread spectrum and supports AES encryption.


Power Line Communications

In the energy industry, WirelessHART and Power Line Communications (PLC) technologies such as Insteon are additional technologies that operate at the link and physical layers of the communication stack. PLC-enabled devices (not to be confused with Programmable Logic Controller) can support both home and industrial uses and are interesting in that their communications are modulated directly over existing power lines. This communications method enables power-connected devices to be controlled and monitored without secondary communication conduits.


Cellular communications

The move towards 5G communications will have a significant impact on IoT system designs. When 5G rolls out with higher throughput and the ability to support many more connections, we will begin to see increased movement for direct connectivity of IoT devices to the cloud. This will allow for new centralized controller functions to be created that support multitudes of geographically dispersed sensors/actuators with limited infrastructure in place. More robust cellular capabilities will further enable the cloud to be the aggregation point for sensor data feeds, web service interactions, and interfaces to numerous enterprise applications.

IoT data collection, storage, and analytics

So far, we have talked extensively about the endpoints and the protocols that comprise the IoT. Although there is great promise in device-to-device communication and coordination, there are even more opportunities to streamline business processes, enhance customer experiences, and increase capabilities when the power of connected devices is paired with the ability to analyze data. The cloud offers a ready-made infrastructure to support this pairing.

Many public CSPs have deployed IoT services that are well integrated with their other cloud offerings. AWS, for example, has created the AWS IoT service. This service allows IoT devices to be configured and connect to the AWS IoT gateway using MQTT or REST communications. Data can also be ingested into AWS through platforms such as Kinesis or Kinesis Firehose. Kinesis Firehose, for example, can be used to collect and process large streams of data and forward on to other AWS infrastructure components for storage and analysis.

Once data has been collected within a CSP, logic rules can be set up to forward that data where most appropriate. Data can be sent for analysis, storage, or to be combined with other data from other devices and systems. Reasons for the analysis of IoT data run the gamut from wanting to understand trends in shopping patterns (for example, beacons) to predicting whether a machine will break down (predictive maintenance).

Other CSPs have also entered the IoT marketplace. Microsoft's Azure offering now has a specific IoT service in addition to IBM and Google. Even Software as a Service (SaaS) providers have begun offering analytics services. has designed a tailored IoT analytics solution. Salesforce makes use of the Apache stack to connect devices to the cloud and analyze their large data streams. Salesforce's IoT Cloud relies upon Apache's Cassandra database, the Spark data-processing engine, Storm for data analysis, and Kafka for messaging.


IoT integration platforms and solutions

As new IoT devices and systems continue to be built by diverse organizations, we're beginning to see the need for improved and enhanced integration capabilities. Companies such as Xively and Thingspeak are now offering flexible development solutions for integrating new things into enterprise architectures. In the domain of smart cities, platforms such as Accella and SCOPE, a "smart-city cloud-based open platform and ecosystem", offer the ability to integrate a variety of IoT systems into enterprise solutions.

These platforms provide APIs that IoT device developers can leverage to build new features and services. Increasingly, IoT developers are incorporating these APIs and demonstrating ease-of-integration into enterprise IT environments. The Thingspeak API, for example, can be used to integrate IoT devices via HTTP communications. This enables organizations to capture data from their sensors, analyze that data, and then take action on that data. Similarly, AllJoyn is an open source project from the AllSeen Alliance. It is focused heavily on interoperability between IoT devices even when the devices use different transport mechanisms. As IoT matures, disparate IoT components, protocols, and APIs will continue to be glued together to build powerful enterprise-wide systems. These trends beg the question of just how secured these systems will be.

The IoT of the future and the need to secure

While today's IoT innovations continue to push the envelope identifying and establishing new relationships between objects, systems, and people, our imaginations continuously dream up new capabilities to solve problems at unprecedented scale. When we apply our imaginative prowess, the promises of the IoT becomes boundless. Today, we are barely scratching the surface.

The future – cognitive systems and the IoT

The computer-to-device and device-device IoT is poised for staggering growth today and over the coming years, but what about brand new research that is on the brink of consumerization? What will need to secure in the future, and how will it depend on how we secure the IoT today? Cognitive systems and research provides us a valuable glimpse into the IoT of tomorrow.

Over a decade ago, Duke University researchers demonstrated cognitive control of a robotic arm by translating neural control signals from electrodes embedded into the parietal and frontal cortex lobes of a monkey's brain. The researchers converted the brain signals to motor servo actuator inputs. These inputs allowed the monkey — through initial training on a joystick — to control a non-biological, robotic arm using only visual feedback to adjust its own motor-driving thoughts. So-called brain-computer interfaces (BCI), or brain-machine interfaces (BMI), continue to be advanced by Dr. Miguel Nocolelis' Duke laboratory and others. The technology promises a future in which neuroprosthetics allow debilitated individuals to regain physical function by wearing and controlling robotic systems merely by thought. Research has also demonstrated brain-to-brain functioning, allowing distributed, cognitive problem-solving through brainlets.

Digital conversion of brain-sensed (via neuroencaphalography) signals allows the cognition-ready data to be conveyed over data buses, IP networks, and yes, even the Internet. In terms of the IoT, this type of cognitive research implies a future in which some types of smart devices will be smart because there is a human or other type of brain controlling or receiving signals from it across a BMI. Or the human brain is made hyper-aware by providing it sensor feeds from sensors located thousands of kilometers away. Imagine a pilot flying a drone as though it were an extension of his body, but the pilot has no joystick. Using only thought signals (controls) and feedback (feeling) conveyed over a communications link, all necessary flight maneuvers and adjustments can be made. Imagine the aircraft's airspeed, as measured by its pitot tube, conveyed in digital form to the pilot's BMI interface and the pilot "feeling" the speed like wind blowing across his skin. That future of the IoT is not as far off as it may seem.

Now imagine what type of IoT security may be needed in such cognitive systems where the things are human brains and dynamic physical systems. How would one authenticate a human brain, for example, to a device, or authenticate the device back to the brain? What would digital integrity losses entail with the BMI? What could happen if outgoing or incoming signals were spoofed, corrupted, or manipulated in timing and availability? The overarching benefits of today's IoT, as large as they are, are small when we consider such future systems and what they mean to the human race. So too are the threats and risks.


In this chapter, we saw how the world is developing and advancing towards a better future with the help of the IoT. We also looked at various uses of the IoT in today's world and then had a brief look at its concepts.

In the next chapter, we will learn about the various threats and the measures that we can take to avoid/overcome them.

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Key benefits

  • Learn to design and implement cyber security strategies for your organization
  • Learn to protect cyber-physical systems and utilize forensic data analysis to beat vulnerabilities in your IoT ecosystem
  • Learn best practices to secure your data from device to the cloud
  • Gain insight into privacy-enhancing techniques and technologies


With the advent of Internet of Things (IoT), businesses will be faced with defending against new types of threats. The business ecosystem now includes cloud computing infrastructure, mobile and fixed endpoints that open up new attack surfaces, a desire to share information with many stakeholders and a need to take action quickly based on large quantities of collected data. . It therefore becomes critical to ensure that cyber security threats are contained to a minimum when implementing new IoT services and solutions. . The interconnectivity of people, devices, and companies raises stakes to a new level as computing and action become even more mobile, everything becomes connected to the cloud, and infrastructure is strained to securely manage the billions of devices that will connect us all to the IoT. This book shows you how to implement cyber-security solutions, IoT design best practices and risk mitigation methodologies to address device and infrastructure threats to IoT solutions. This book will take readers on a journey that begins with understanding the IoT and how it can be applied in various industries, goes on to describe the security challenges associated with the IoT, and then provides a set of guidelines to architect and deploy a secure IoT in your Enterprise. The book will showcase how the IoT is implemented in early-adopting industries and describe how lessons can be learned and shared across diverse industries to support a secure IoT.

What you will learn

[*] Learn how to break down cross-industry barriers by adopting the best practices for IoT deployments [*] Build a rock-solid security program for IoT that is cost-effective and easy to maintain [*] Demystify complex topics such as cryptography, privacy, and penetration testing to improve your security posture [*] See how the selection of individual components can affect the security posture of the entire system [*] Use Systems Security Engineering and Privacy-by-design principles to design a secure IoT ecosystem [*] Get to know how to leverage the burdgening cloud-based systems that will support the IoT into the future.

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Publication date : Jun 29, 2016
Length 336 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781785889639
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Product Details

Publication date : Jun 29, 2016
Length 336 pages
Edition : 1st Edition
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 9781785889639
Category :

Table of Contents

17 Chapters
Practical Internet of Things Security Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Credits Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About the Authors Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
About the Reviewer Chevron down icon Chevron up icon Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Preface Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
1. A Brave New World Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
2. Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Countermeasures Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
3. Security Engineering for IoT Development Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
4. The IoT Security Lifecycle Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
5. Cryptographic Fundamentals for IoT Security Engineering Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
6. Identity and Access Management Solutions for the IoT Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
7. Mitigating IoT Privacy Concerns Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
8. Setting Up a Compliance Monitoring Program for the IoT Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
9. Cloud Security for the IoT Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
10. IoT Incident Response Chevron down icon Chevron up icon
Index Chevron down icon Chevron up icon

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