Kubernetes storage simplified

OpenEBS is the most widely deployed and easy to use open-source storage solution for Kubernetes.

OpenEBS is a 100% Open Source CNCF project with MayaData and the community. Prominent users include Arista, Optoro, Orange, Comcast, and the CNCF itself. It builds on Kubernetes to enable Stateful applications to easily access Dynamic Local PVs or Replicated PVs. By using the Container Attached Storage pattern users report lower costs, easier management, and more control for their teams.

OpenEBS is used as a solution for the persistent storage needs for many stateful applications on Kubernetes. Following are a few examples:

  • Self Managed Database Service like RDS

As per the CNCF Database Technology Radar report, many companies working with sensitive data are more likely to host databases in-house and may even be required to. Also, if a company has a large amount of data, for instance, there can be significant cost overhead to using a managed database solution available from cloud providers.

OpenEBS, through its simplicity in setup and configuration and built on the resilience of Kubernetes orchestration, can be used to easily set up a managed database service.


  • Open source durable storage for Observability stack

Open standards such as OpenMetrics and OpenTelemetry and open source tools like Prometheus, Grafana, Elastic have become widely adopted project to run the Cloud Native Observability stack. It shouldn’t come as any surprise that OpenEBS, being a truly open source technology, is the choice for running these open source observability stacks.


  • Running CI/CD on Kubernetes

Jenkins, Gitlab, Gerrit, Sonarqube and many of the tools built in-house are moving towards Kubernetes for better DevOps experience and agility. With Kubernetes becoming a standard to run the applications, the CI/CD tools that manage them are following suit to provide Kubernetes Operators.


  • Self managed Object storage service

Use OpenEBS and Minio on Kubernetes to build cross AZ cloud native object storage solution. Kubernetes PVCs are used by Minio to seamlessly scale Minio nodes. OpenEBS provides easily scalable and manageable storage pools. Scalability of Minio is directly complimented by OpenEBS’s feature of cloud-native scalable architecture.


  • Building scalable websites and ML pipelines

Web-scale applications like WordPress require shared storage with RWM access mode. OpenEBS, acting as a persistent storage backend for NFS storage providers, solves this need very well.


Learn more about OpenEBS at: https://openebs.io

Or https://github.com/openebs/openebs