
Starburst on Google Cloud

The fastest, most efficient query engine for your data warehouse, data lake or data mesh.

The Analytics Engine for All Your Data

Connect all your data and unlock the power of optionality. Start running queries at interactive speeds, across disparate data sources,  using the business intelligence and analytics tools you already know.

53% reduction in TCO

Starburst reduces infrastructure costs, FTE time needed to discover and prepare data.

Time to insight decreases up to 90%

Gain valuable insights from data faster than in the past and from a more complete set of data.

50+ Connectors

Move from on-premise to modern cloud and hybrid architecture while maintaining access to critical data resources.

Starburst enhanced integration with Google Dataplex BigQuery, and Looker allows users to access and analyze data across multiple sources and perform complex analytics.

Google customers can now use Starburst to federate and run analysis on their data stored in BigQuery alongside on-premises and cross-cloud data directly from Dataplex using Looker or their BI tool of choice.

Starburst Galaxy and Enterprise are available on the Google marketplace

  • Consolidated billing through your Google account: pay as you go with no minimums or upfront commitments
  • Simplified procurement with just a few clicks
  • Retire your Google Cloud Commitment

Starburst Galaxy

Fully managed in the cloud…  with built-in security features and fully managed SaaS experience, running your workloads has never been easier. Get up and running in less than 5 minutes and start analyzing your data in a few clicks.

Get Started

Starburst Enterprise

Enterprise-level, security, and connectivity… Install it anywhere, on any data center, and customize to meet your business needs. Whether your data is on-prem or in the cloud, customize your deployment to meet your business’s needs.

Get Started

Start Free with
Starburst Galaxy

Up to $500 in usage credits included

  • Query your data lake fast with Starburst's best-in-class MPP SQL query engine
  • Get up and running in less than 5 minutes
  • Easily deploy clusters in AWS, Azure and Google Cloud
For more deployment options:
Download Starburst Enterprise