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How to start

TagSpaces needs to know in which folders it should look for files that you want to manage with the app. We call these folder locations. During the first start of the application it tries to guess some common folders such as: Downloads, Desktop, Pictures or Videos. The guessed folders are added automatically as locations. You can remove theme anytime if you do not need them. Here you will learn more about the following topics.

Connect local folder as location

In this video:
  1. Click on the "Connect a location" button
  2. Leave the preselected location type
  3. Choose a local folder you want to connect
  4. The folder name is used automatically as location name, but you can change it if you wish
  5. Click "Ok" to create the location
    Locations in the docs

    Using the tag library

    In this video:
    • Creating tag and tag group
    • Editing and deleting tags
    • Moving tags and tag-groups with drag and drop
    • Export and Import the tag library
      More about the tag library

      Applying tags to files and folders

      In this video:
      • Adding tags from the tag library with drag and drop
      • Dragging a tag from one file and dropping it to another
      • Using the tagging dialog for adding and removing tags
      • Tagging folders
        More about tagging

        Connect AWS S3 bucket as location

        Having your files in a S3 object storage has many advantages such as collaborative access of your tagged files with other users or easy backup.
        1. Click on the "Connect a location" button
        2. Choose the "Object Storage" as a type
        3. Enter location name
        4. Enter the access key and the secret access key of your AWS user
        5. Enter the bucket name and choose its AWS region
        6. Click "Ok" to create the location
          AWS tutorial

          Connect MinIO bucket as location

          MinIO is a open source application, providing object storage view of your files. It main advantage is that you can install on your own hardware (e.g. your NAS) making you independent from commercial cloud providers.:
          1. Click on the "Connect a location" button
          2. Choose the "Object Storage" as a type
          3. Enter location name
          4. Enter the access key and the secret access key of your MinIO user
          5. Click on the "Advanced Mode" button
          6. Enter the IP address and the port of your MinIO service in the "Endpoint URL"
          7. Click "Ok" to create the location
            MinIO tutorial