A new Chinese AI can possibly detect hypersonic missiles quicker than the existing air defense system models.

(Photo : Photo credit should read NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP via Getty Images)
Visitors look at a Chinese HQ-2(J) Ground-To-Air missile, on the day that marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I at the war museum in Beijing on November 11, 2018. (Photo by Nicolas ASFOURI / AFP)

The Air Force Early Warning Academy researchers in China claimed that their new artificial intelligence could identify missile threats in just 15 seconds. 

Hypersonic missiles are among the best defense technologies that China, Russia, the United States, and other giant countries have in their arsenals.

But, since they know that other countries can use these dangerous rockets against them, advanced early warning system developments are also becoming a must. 

Now, China might soon have a very efficient AI-based EWS that can help the Asian country detect hypersonic missiles as soon as possible. 

New Chinese AI Can Possibly Detect Hypersonic Missiles in 15 Seconds

According to Interesting Engineering's latest report, the new artificial intelligence system developers said that their new EWS could determine if a hypersonic missile enters their air zones within 15 seconds. 

(Photo : Photo by South Korean Defense Ministry via Getty Images)
In this handout photo released by the South Korean Defense Ministry, South Korea's Hyunmu-2 ballistic missile is fired during an exercise aimed to counter North Korea's nuclear test on September 4, 2017 in East Coast, South Korea. South Korea's military said Monday it conducted a combined live-fire exercise in response to North Korea's sixth nuclear test a day earlier.

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The South China Morning Post also reported that the new AI-based EWS detection works even against Mach 5 rockets (missiles that are five times faster than the speed of sound). 

The Air Force Early Warning Academy's Chinese researchers said that their new EWS would rely on a machine-learning algorithm to determine a hypersonic missile's probable route. 

They said that the data captured from the early stages of hypersonic missile flights are somehow noisy, which makes it difficult for their AI system to identify. 

Because of this, they created a new and unique deep learning algorithm that can remove the noise from the signals. Their new AI-based EWS works just like home human brains do thanks to this innovation.  

Other Anti-Hypersonic Missile Techs

Aside from China's new sophisticated AI-based EWS, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is also working on another anti-hypersonic missile tech. 

Their ongoing project entered phase 2, allowing DARPA researchers to test their tech in wind tunnels. Defense innovations like this are quite essential, especially since the U.S., North Korea, and Russia have been trying new variants of hypersonic rockets. 

You can visit this link to see further details about DARPA's hypersonic missile countermeasure program and China's new EWS. 

On the other hand, experts claim that the U.S. missile defense systems are still ineffective against ICBMs. 

Meanwhile, the U.K.'s early warning systems are allegedly affected by smart meters. 

For more news updates about early warning systems and other defense techs, always keep your tabs open here at TechTimes.  

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Written by: Griffin Davis

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