AI deepfake porn generators are widely discouraged, and now, Google is taking it a step further by banning the ads that promote these services to users under its renowned Google Ads program. 

This follows up on its existing and long-observed sexually explicit ads policies, which prohibit inappropriate images from appearing on the internet, as powered by Google Ads. 

Deepfake porn creators are still rampant in Google's search engine when looking for it, but the internet company is not taking part in promoting these platforms for users to find easily.

Google Bans AI Deepfake Porn Creator Ads with New Policy

(Photo: DENIS CHARLET/AFP via Getty Images)
new update from Google revealed its new policies that now ban the promotion of AI deepfake porn creators or generators under the Google Ads service.

Google claims that "synthetic content" that has been altered or edited by an AI system to transform into sexually explicit content or nudity will be removed by the company, with its owner being prohibited. 

This latest update will start on its restrictions on May 30, 2024, when the policy will take effect. 

Google said it will suspend its Google Ads account when it catches users still engaging in these types of lewd ads without any warning.

Moreover, Google said that users who were caught doing so could no longer advertise with the company, meaning it would have a blacklist for these types of offenses.

Read Also: Teacher Arrested After Making AI-Generated Child Porn Using Student Yearbook Photos

Google Ads: Long and Old Policy Against Explicit Ads

The Mountain View tech giant regarded this as an update to its Inappropriate Content policy on Google Ads, which it has long observed under the service.

This policy goes against the depiction of sexually explicit content containing nudity in advertisements, with Google also taking down these accounts when caught red-handed. 

The AI Deepfake Porn Generator Problem

The rise of generative AI has also prompted the further development of deepfakes, but bad actors did not stop there, as they also developed a way to create deepfake porn that incriminates and victimizes targets.

 First, it was Taylor Swift who was victimized by this technology, a deepfake that saw a massive trend on X, particularly with the disturbing content done against the artist.

Later, AI deepfake generations became top search results from platforms like Google and Microsoft's Bing as many people looked for it, created content, and shared it online.

While deepfake porn has been a problem since last year, the recent incidents involving celebrities and schools made it the center of attention early into 2024, with many subjected to being exposed using the tech. 

The good thing is some countries already consider creating AI deepfake porn a crime, with a conviction already done against a criminal who was found to be behind one of the thousands who made this. 

That being said, Google draws the line against AI deepfake porn ads from appearing on its platform, updating its policies that long went against sexually explicit ads. 

Related Article: Pedophiles Use AI to Create Children's Deepfake Nudes for Extortion, Dark Web Discovery Reveals

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