Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you must end a call on your iPhone discreetly? Perhaps you wanted to avoid an awkward conversation or politely exit a lengthy discussion without seeming rude. 

If so, the simple hack is for you. In this article, you will learn how to fake a dropped call on your iPhone effortlessly.

Using Airplane Mode to End Calls Gracefully

How to Fake a Dropped Call on iPhone: A Handy Trick
(Photo: freestocks from Unsplash) Your friend will immediately notice you if you drop your call on your iPhone without saying anything. This simple trick can help you make a dropped call.

When you end a call on your iPhone conventionally, the recipient sees the message "Call Ended" on their screen. This can sometimes give the impression that you intentionally hung up, which may not always be true. However, using Airplane mode is a subtle way to end calls without raising suspicion.

Enabling Airplane mode during a call instantly terminates the call, and the recipient sees the message "Call Failed" instead. This subtle change in message implies that the call ended unexpectedly due to network issues rather than being deliberately disconnected.

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How to Enable Airplane Mode

The quickest way to activate Airplane mode on your iPhone is through the Control Center:

  1. Access Control Center: Swipe down diagonally from the top-right corner of the screen (or swipe up from the bottom if your iPhone has a Home button).

  2. Toggle Airplane Mode: Tap the airplane icon to enable Airplane mode. You'll know it's activated when the icon turns orange and the cellular button grays out. Additionally, a plane symbol will replace the cellular provider name in the top-left corner.

Ending the Call Stealthily

Once Airplane mode is enabled, the ongoing call will be immediately terminated, and the recipient will see the "Call Failed" message. This discreet method allows you to gracefully exit the call without appearing abrupt or rude.

Note: If you're still connected to the call after activating Airplane mode, it's possible that Wi-Fi calling is enabled. In such cases, simply tap the blue Wi-Fi button in the Control Center to end Wi-Fi calling.

Mastering the art of subtly ending calls on your iPhone can come in handy in various situations. It's one way to focus on other things, especially if you're not in the mood to talk to someone or too busy to catch up.

Using Airplane mode to fake a dropped call offers a discreet solution. Try this trick and manage your phone calls with finesse.

Meanwhile, if you're curious about the health of your iPhone 15 battery, check this article.

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Joseph Henry

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