Security researchers spotted a new AI-generated disinformation campaign tied to Russia. This campaign used the deep-faked voice of Tom Cruise narrating the film about the Paris Olympics. 

This new campaign looks to influence the audience with new propaganda against the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics, saying that disinformation agents with ties to the Russian government are behind it. 

This four-part short documentary series also used Netflix's "tudum" sound effects and "N" opening billboard to add credibility to this disinformation campaign. 

Russia Disinformation Campaign: Fake Tom Cruise, Paris Olympics

Microsoft security researchers revealed that a disinformation campaign with ties to the Russian government is now circulating. It centers on propaganda against the Paris Olympics and uses deepfakes of Tom Cruise.

Olympics Has Fallen

(Photo : Microsoft)

This new short documentary series, containing four 9-minute episodes, maligns the French government and the Olympic Committee in hopes of disrupting the international sporting event. 

This campaign is entitled "Olympics Has Fallen," and not to be confused with Antione Fuqua's 2013 Hollywood film, Olympus Has Fallen.

It uses Tom Cruise's deep-faked voice for its narration, and Microsoft tied it to the Russian influence actors known as Storm-1679 and Storm-1099. 

Read Also: FBI Issues Warning About Foreign Adversaries Weaponizing AI for Election Disinformation

AI-Made Deepfake Docu From Russia Brings Sports Propaganda

This new AI-made deepfake documentary from Russia centers on two key topics that bring new Russian propaganda for the upcoming sports event. First, it centers on a smear campaign against France, its president Emmanuel Macron, the International Olympic Committee, and the forthcoming 2024 Olympics.

Paris 2024

(Photo : MAGALI COHEN/Hans Lucas/AFP via Getty Images)

Next, it talked about how there will be violence amidst the Paris Olympics events, now instilling fear in the world through this disinformation campaign, including several fake terrorism press releases from the US CIA and French Generale Directorate for Internal Security (DGSI). 

Russian AI Disinformation Campaign

The dawn of AI saw a massive rise in disinformation campaigns worldwide, and one of the top countries claimed to be its source is none other than the transcontinental nation of Russia.

In the past year, since AI took the reigns as the top technology in the industry, massive deepfake and disinformation took over, widely attributed to Russia, centered on 'highly persuasive' propaganda

Thanks to AI, global users may now easily create content ranging from text, audio, photos, and videos that can be easily spread online, and intelligence agencies have since issued a warning against this.

According to the US Intelligence, Russia and China are now utilizing AI to disrupt the country, using information warfare as one of its key weapons to take advantage of these confusing times.

Even before the age of generative AI, Russia has been linked multiple times regarding propaganda and fake news campaigns, as well as resorting to deepfakes to wreak havoc against the global community. 

In a new Russian disinformation campaign, it created new propaganda against the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics using Tom Cruise's deepfaked voice, along with other persuading elements that researchers caught.

Related Article: Poland Blames Russia for Fake News Story Posted on Polish State Media Ahead of the European Elections

Isaiah Richard

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