Smoke Stacks Against Blue Sky
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Behind the splendor of innovation and increasingly impressive tech developments lies a dismal reality of global warming, air pollution, and environmental calamities. The records reached last year, such as 2023 being the warmest year for land and ocean areas individually, the warmest year for both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the 4th-warmest year for the Arctic, highlighted the urgency and direness of the issue, calling for immediate action and effective solutions.

Green movements, ecological rallies, and rising awareness prompted many people to make more conscious decisions in their day-to-day lives. However, while all efforts matter, the energy sector, responsible for more than three-quarters of total greenhouse gas emissions, dims the effectiveness of other initiatives. Since people depend on energy in all aspects of life, from powering and heating households to fueling vehicles, a reality devoid of carbon emissions is impossible. 

The energy sector is undoubtedly central to climate change. But could it also be the answer to many issues?

Embarking on a mission to implement solutions that replace carbon-heavy fossil fuel energy with more sustainable power, Chris Gersch founded Verde Solutions, a full-service energy company working relentlessly to expand the positive impact of renewable energy. Through implementing sustainable solutions, such as solar panels, battery storage, and EV charging stations, Verde Solutions is leading the charge for a greener future. 

What inspired Chris to provide modern-day solutions and next-generation services was the striking gap he witnessed in the energy sector—ancient energy grids built mostly in the 1960s and 1970s. That infrastructure, though revolutionary at the time, was created to burn fossil fuels—the world's highest driver of gas emissions—and turn them into energy. 

Critical impact on the environment is the main issue of antiquated energy grids. However, because of their incompatibility with next-generation power sources relying on wind or solar, transmitting the energy throughout the country is often delayed. Heightening the issues caused by utility delays are cumbersome permit-obtaining processes and impeded utility feedback.

Chris regards mandates encouraging faster development of next-generation energy grids issued on governmental levels as the ultimate long-term solution. However, realizing how time-prohibitive and complex legislation is, he views renewable energy as the most effective strategy that leaves a tangible impact immediately.

"The electrical grid is ancient, and we need more expeditious and impactful solutions," stresses Chris. "Battery storage and renewable energy sources address the problem without significantly scaling existing infrastructure and the need for generous Federal funding."

In addition to producing less gas emissions, renewable energy sources are also more affordable. According to recent data, an estimated 96% of newly installed solar PV and onshore wind capacities had lower generation costs than new coal and natural gas. The cost of installing sustainable energy sources was reduced as well, with the average expense of crystalline solar PV modules sold in Europe declining by 91% between 2009 and 2022. 

The cost-saving power of renewables was highlighted in a 2022 Oxford University study, which showcased that switching from fossil fuels to renewable energy can save as much as $12 trillion by 2050.

When speaking of Verde Solutions' next-generation services, Chris positions battery storage as the cornerstone of convenient and eco-friendly schemes. By installing battery storage units, clients can store reduced energy, send it back into the grid, and use it again. This sustainable circle pioneers a future where gas emissions are reduced, energy is more affordable, and everyone can enjoy a healthy planet.

While the multi-faceted benefits of renewable energy are evident, Chris emphasizes that most clients don't realize the effectiveness of this next-generation solution at first. He says, "Most people think that renewable energy or battery storage is a bill paid in perpetuity. But then, when they can generate their energy and store it on-site, they're extremely content."

Looking into the future, Chris predicts the renewable energy sector will follow the trajectory AI exhibited, broadening its impact and creating more jobs as more people join the renewables movement. He adds, "I truly believe renewable energy is the beginning of a more sustainable next-generation future. For the planet, it is the most effective solution to tackling climate change. For consumers, it significantly reduces costs while promoting independence and a sense of liberty from outdated energy grids."

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