LinkedIn launched several AI-powered services to improve the user experience and engagement. The professional networking and job-searching social network now employs AI to speed up job applications, find relevant learning resources, and optimize search.

LinkedIn started using AI in 2007 and has slowly added it to its offerings. LinkedIn's head of product, Tomer Cohen, emphasized AI's significance in connection recommendations and platform trust. 

According to a TechCrunch report, the company's AI capabilities have grown significantly in recent versions, matching the tech industry's push toward AI-powered solutions for everyday chores.

How Can LinkedIn AI Help Users?

With the enhancements, new job search and application tools stand out, and conversational job searches are now possible. LinkedIn users may input employment requirements, and the AI will find related posts. Moreover, LinkedIn's AI can now write cover letters and assess resumes, streamlining applications.

LinkedIn is also adding AI to its learning platform. AI courses have seen 160% more traffic in the past year, demonstrating considerable user interest. LinkedIn is testing "expert advice, powered by AI," for premium users to meet demand. This tool provides individualized comments from famous educators to enhance learning.

LinkedIn's search feature has improved significantly due to AI. Search, a platform weakness, is being improved to be more conversational. This seeks to search more intuitive and complete than the keyword- and parameter-based methods.

Microsoft's 49% shareholding in OpenAI and its AI efforts contribute to LinkedIn's AI advancements. This relationship frees LinkedIn to focus on incorporating AI into its offerings without having to develop separately.

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Further enhancements include expanding Recruiter 2024, adding marketing tools, and improving premium company sites for small enterprises. LinkedIn's goal is to incorporate AI across its platform to keep it relevant for professionals in the AI-driven future.

Last year, LinkedIn started testing AI-powered solutions to help job hunters simplify time-consuming tasks.

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(Photo : Carl Court/Getty Images) 
LinkedIn logos are displayed on an iPhone and computer screen on August 3, 2016 in London, England.

AI is not The Ultimate Solution for Job Seekers

LinkedIn product manager Rohan Rajiv stressed that their AI tools are not the complete solution for job hunting woes, per Engadget.  "Our goal is to help users get started." He noted that they aim to make things easier for individuals who find it difficult to compose their story and those who struggle "when staring at a blank screen."

Rajiv said that while LinkedIn is currently integrating AI, he hinted at future automation. He remarked that the next step is to see if the AI can also address the other aspects of the job application process. Rajiv imagines that LinkedIn's AI tool can soon help users complete their tasks "like an agent"  

Meanwhile, one LinkedIn user's impressive education has gone viral and captivated many netizens, as reported by News18.

Nikhil Basu Trivedi posted a screenshot on X (previously Twitter) of a screenshot of a LinkedIn user's academic path through Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford. He described it as "the most absurd education history of all time on LinkedIn."

Later on, it was revealed that the profile belongs to Crimson Education CEO Jamie Beaton, who attended many top institutions from 2013 to 2024.

Many social media were amazed by Beaton's accomplishments and speculated on his motivation after reading the viral post.

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