Apple is facing a new class-action lawsuit regarding gender discrimination in the workplace, and this was brought up by two women, who now ask Cupertino to pay the damages to 12,000 current and former employees of the company. In this new complaint, Apple was allegedly paying female employees less than their male counterparts and was said to have been systematically' doing this for years. 

The sexual discrimination complaint against Apple has been for many years already, according to the recent filing, with the pattern seen in women.

Apple Faces Class-Action Discrimination Lawsuit

 A new complaint filed by two women plaintiffs against Apple today centers on a sexual discrimination complaint against the company regarding unfair wages. Apple paid female employees less within the company, and this new class-action lawsuit is seeking damages from the company for over 12,000 existing and former female employees of the tech giant. 


(Photo : GREG BAKER/AFP via Getty Images)

It relies heavily on the California Equal Pay Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and the California Unfair Competition Law. 

The lawsuit also calls upon Apple employees hired after June 13, 2020, to come forward, join the class, and possibly receive payment through damages.

Read Also: Apple Agrees to Remove Prohibiting Clauses Related to Workplace Harassment, Discrimination Issues

Apple Allegedly Pays Female Employees Less

This alleged'systemic' underpayment of female employees at Apple is based on a policy that sets their salaries based on previous employment wages set during their time with the company before 2017's fall season. According to the Wall Street Journal, after asking for salaries from former or current jobs, Apple later asked applicants for pay expectations, and both these methods led to lower wages for female employees.

Apple's Discrimination, Toxic Complaints

This is not Apple's first rodeo regarding discrimination complaints from previous employees and their representatives, with many talking about the notorious experiences they had with Cupertino. In 2021, there was a movement called "#AppleToo," where employees shared their discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and toxic experiences, exposing the company. 

Previously,  a female Apple employee  was put on indefinite leave after she aired out their complaints against the hostile environment she faced, airing the company's dirty laundry over at Twitter (now X). Ashley Gjøvik was a former senior engineering program manager over at Apple, and she previously blew the whistle and brought massive complaints against Cupertino for sexism, harassment, and retaliation. 

Over the years, there have been rampant complaints against Apple regarding sexual harassment, discrimination, and more, with female employees facing these unfair labor practices during their tenure at the company. Now, a new class-action suit is alleging Apple of sexual discrimination on wages, with plaintiffs now seeking damages from the company for more than 12,000 female employees who suffered from it. 

Related Article: Apple Settles Hiring Discrimination Claims for $25 Million: DOJ Investigation Reveals Violations

Isaiah Richard

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