This week in the world of technology, Tech Times brings you the Weekly Wrap-up featuring the massive release from Google which finally delivers on its Pixel VPN's new version. However, there was also a significant discovery of a now-determined massive flying dinosaur fossil found in Australia, with the specimen believed to be around 100 million years old.

Tech Times Weekly Wrap-up

(Photo : Tech Times)

Lastly, there was also the significant exploit that now affects GTA Online which led its developers to temporarily disable all the Casino Heist experiences in the game.

Google Releases Pixel VPN on Play Store


(Photo : ED JONES/AFP via Getty Images)
The latest release from Google is its new Pixel VPN which is now available for older devices like the Pixel 7 series, Pixel 7a, and Fold smartphones. 

It is available for users to download on the Google Play Store to meet their private network needs, but this will still require a subscription for users to access. This effectively replaces the VPN by Google One on the mentioned devices above as it was recently shut down by the internet company. 

For Pixel 8 owners, it is available built-in on their devices so there is no need to update to this new Pixel VPN. 

Additionally, this new update makes it more accessible for users to utilize their VPN subscription from Google without the need to download Android 14 QPR3.

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100M-Years-Old Flying Dinosaur in AUS


(Photo : JEFF PACHOUD/AFP via Getty Images)
Curtin University researchers discovered fossilized bones in Australia last 2021, and their study now delivers massive new information behind it, claiming that it is from a flying dinosaur. This 100 million-year-old find was said to be the 'most complete' set of flying dinosaur bones, a.k.a. pterosaur, found in the region. 

Moreover, it is also identified as a new species of anhanguerian pterosaur, regarded as the Haliskia peterseni, which were abundant during the early Cretaceous period. 

During its life, Queensland, Australia, the place where the fossil was found, was said to be immersed in water. 

It was revealed by a recent study that its wingspan is approximately 4.6 meters and is one "fearsome predator" during its time.

GTA Online Exploit Discovered

GTA Online Heists

(Photo : Rockstar Games)
Rockstar Games temporarily disabled the Casino Heists on Grand Theft Auto Online over the weekend because of an "identified vulnerability" that the company did not disclose. The company has not yet revealed its return date and would depend on the fix the developers will deliver before it returns to the game.

This new exploit was regarded as the RCE, claiming that it has the capability to hack into a user's account and steal all of their money, change their appearance, and perform other forms of attack against a player. It is known that GTA Online's online currency may be bought with real-life money.

It has only affected the PC version of the game, but Rockstar has since disabled Casino Heists and Arcade to prevent attacks or access from happening.

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Isaiah Richard

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