
Protesters Vacate Democracy Center, Ending Week-Long Occupation

The occupation of the Democracy Center by roughly 30 protesters ended earlier this week, a sign that a plan to close the center indefinitely for renovations will move forward despite sustained backlash from local progressive organizers.

Protesters Stage Occupation of Democracy Center to Oppose Indefinite Closure

Roughly 30 people began an occupation of the Democracy Center on Monday, the latest and most drastic attempt by activists to stop the Foundation for Civil Leadership, the center’s financial supporter, from closing the center for renovations.

Cambridge City Council Will Form Special Committee To Consider Charter Amendments

After a meeting of the Government Operations, Rules and Claims Committee become bogged down in a procedural debate, members emerged two hours later with only a resolution to create a new joint special committee — and a distinct sense of frustration.

Eighth Grade Algebra 1 Courses Delayed Until 2026, Cambridge Officials Say

Cambridge Public Schools officials said the city’s latest attempt to implement Algebra 1 courses for all eighth graders will be delayed one year, another setback after three decades of back-and-forth over efforts to require the advanced mathematics course before high school.

City Dismisses Appeal from Fox Club Landlord Over Zoning Code Violations

The Cambridge Board of Zoning Appeal dismissed a petition from Emma C. Wolbach, the landlord of the Fox Club’s temporary clubhouse at 6 Francis Ave., appealing fines she received after the city demanded the Fox — a Harvard final club — cease its use of the location, citing zoning violations and noise complaints.

City Council Defers Bike Lane Discussion Following Friday’s Fatal Crash

The death of a cyclist in a Friday collision with a box truck was not discussed in depth at Monday’s Cambridge City Council, but is certain to add urgency and emotion to a longstanding debate over bike safety in Cambridge.

Fox Club Received Eviction Notice From Landlord Over Noise Complaints, Zoning Code Violations

The Fox Club moved out of a Cambridge residential neighborhood after the property owner served the club with an eviction notice following warnings from the city that their use of the space violated local ordinances.​​​​​​​

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