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A look back at the career of TV host Jerry Springer – video obituary

This article is more than 1 year old

Jerry Springer, the captivating TV host famed for his eponymous and provocative talkshow The Jerry Springer Show, has died aged 79. Springer's show entertained but also scandalised audiences with its notorious on-air fights, swearing and infidelity revelations. After almost three decades hosting The Jerry Springer Show, he hosted America's Got Talent and Judge Jerry, a spinoff of the popular Judge Judy show. Jene Galvin, a friend of Springer's and spokesperson for the family, said he was 'irreplaceable'. 'Jerry's ability to connect with people was at the heart of his success in everything he tried whether that was politics, broadcasting or just joking with people on the street,' Galvin said.

Born in London in 1944, Springer's multifaceted career included a period as an advisor to Robert F Kennedy and a brief tenure as the mayor of Cincinnati

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