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Gillian Harvey

Gillian Harvey is a freelance writer and mother of five living in France. She is the author of One French Summer

July 2024

  • Children playing with streamers by a sea wall

    After 15 years away I moved back to the UK fearing the worst. What I found startled me

    Gillian Harvey
    Despite years of austerity and Tory rule, I have seen incredible resilience, humour and optimism, says the writer Gillian Harvey

June 2023

  • ‘Without goals and dreams to fuel the fire of their ambition, how can our children find the motivation they need to push forward?’

    The ‘work hard and you’ll get a good job’ mantra is no longer true – so what do I tell my kids?

    Gillian Harvey
    How should we prepare young people for an uncertain future, when steady jobs are no more and they’ve seen their parents burn out? asks Gillian Harvey

August 2018

  • Boy and girl playing with water.

    Why you should give your children the gift of boredom this summer

    Gillian Harvey
    Left to their own devices, children grow in resilience and gain skills – including learning how to entertain themselves, says freelance writer Gillian Harvey

June 2017

  • Sue Walsh seen at home in Carshalton, Surrey, 30 March 2017. For family story

    ‘My sister turned out to be my mum’

    When Sue Walsh was seven, her world changed for ever. She was told her glamorous sister wasn’t who she thought she was. At first, she was beside herself with joy, but there was another revelation to come

January 2017

  • Tray of cookies

    Like many older women, I have an eating disorder. Time to remove the stigma

    Gillian Harvey
    Anorexia and bulimia are mental illnesses. They may start with a wish to have the perfect body, but a pattern emerges that is akin to drug addiction

December 2016

  • Gillian Harvey with her nan

    Why I’m tempted to contact my late nan on Facebook

    My nan was 91 when she died last year, but that hadn’t stopped her joining Facebook – and her continued online existence makes it possible for me to pretend, if just for a moment, that she is still around

November 2016

  • Nadia Sawalha, bladder incontinence sufferer

    French mothers don’t suffer from bladder incontinence. And nor should you

    Gillian Harvey
    Unlike Nadia Sawalha, I am a stranger to urinary accidents, even after four vaginal births – because I’ve had my pelvic floor electronically re-educated

March 2016

  • Wine opener, cork and wine bottle ring.

    I couldn’t have got through my teaching years without alcohol

    Gillian Harvey
    It didn’t surprise me in the least to hear that teachers are drinking more to cope with the constant pressure. Surely this is a sign that things need to change