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Black holes

April 2019

  • The image of the black hole revealed by scientists this week.

    Powehi: black hole gets a name meaning 'the adorned fathomless dark creation'

  • Katie Bouman Postdoctoral fellow for EHT PhD, MIT 2017

    Katie Bouman: the 29-year-old whose work led to first black hole photo

  • Ellie Mae O’Hagan

    Why the black hole is a ray of light in these dark times

    Ellie Mae O’Hagan
  • Scientists working on the Event Horizon Telescope project have produced an image of the "unseeable", capturing the world's first picture of a black hole. It took nearly two years for 200 researchers and a network of eight radio telescopes spanning the globe to make the breakthrough, which was previously thought impossible


    Astronomers reveal first-ever picture of a black hole – video

  • Sauron's Eye or Brexit metaphor? Tweets joke about black hole image

  • Black hole picture captured for first time in space breakthrough

January 2019

  • The Milky Way

    Scientists close to first sighting of black hole in the Milky Way

    International team say ‘spectacular’ data hints at historic breakthrough

October 2018

  • A Christie’s staff member in London shows Stephen Hawking’s wheelchair up for sale in an online auction.

    Stephen Hawking PhD thesis and wheelchair to sell in online auction

    Lots include A Brief History of Time signed with thumbprint and Simpsons script
  • Star torn apart by black hole

    Black holes and soft hair: why Stephen Hawking's final work is important

    Malcolm Perry, who worked with Hawking on his final paper, explains how it improves our understanding of one of the enduring mysteries of the universe
  • Stephen Hawking.

    Stephen Hawking's final scientific paper released

    Black Hole Entropy and Soft Hair was completed in the days before the physicist’s death in March

August 2018

  • Startrail27Aug

    Starwatch: the Swan soars across the midnight sky

    The constellation Cygnus rises in the east this week and is high in the sky by the middle of the night

July 2018

  • Artist’s impression showing the path of the star S2 as it passes very close to the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way.

    Star spotted speeding near black hole at centre of Milky Way

    Chile’s Very Large Telescope tracks S2 star as it reaches mind-boggling speeds by supermassive black hole

June 2018

  • Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking's voice to be beamed into space at final sendoff

    Message of peace will be broadcast into nearest black hole as physicist is laid to rest
  • Indian children with physical disabilities take part in an event to remember the late British physicist at a school in Chennai on 15 March 2018

    Memories and recollections of the late, great Stephen Hawking

    Letters: Readers pay tribute to the theoretical physicist who died this week
  • Stephen Hawking

    'We still don’t have the technology to verify Stephen Hawking's big ideas'

    Maggie Aderin-Pocock on how the late physicist got people across the world talking and thinking about complex science
  • Stephen Hawking 1999

    The Guardian view on Stephen Hawking: the mind of God

    Editorial: The death of a brilliant and complex scientist will mean we are all poorer because his mind will no longer roam the multiverses
    • Stephen Hawking, science's brightest star, dies aged 76

    • A life in science: Stephen Hawking

    • Cosmology's brightest star Stephen Hawking dies aged 76 – video

February 2018

  • Donald Lynden-Bell

    Donald Lynden-Bell obituary

    One of the leading theoretical astrophysicists of his generation
About 149 results for Black holes
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