Arts & Culture

'March of the Weavers' from the series 'A Weavers' Revolt' (1893-97) by Käthe Kollwitz

Käthe Kollwitz’s Figures

Hal Foster

26 June 2024

Käthe Kollwitz aimed to bend the bourgeois tradition of printmaking to her proletarian content, not to break with it. ‘Genius can probably run on ahead and seek out new ways,’ she once remarked. ‘But the good artists who follow after genius – and I count myself among these – have to restore the lost connection once more.’ 

Read more about At MoMA: Käthe Kollwitz’s Figures

Pauline Boty’s Presence

Rosemary Hill

26 June 2024

There has been​ more than one revival of interest in the mayfly career of Pauline Boty since her death in 1966 at the age of 28. In accordance with Cecil Beaton’s dictum that it takes slightly longer . . .

My Niche


26 June 2024

‘Good evening,’ I said. ‘Welcome to Brunswick House.’ I never usually said that. Too corny. But I was in a good mood and the last two customers – this was the final table of the evening – were . . .

'The Dead Don't Hurt'

Michael Wood

20 June 2024

The opening scenes​ of Viggo Mortensen’s new film, The Dead Don’t Hurt, are like an essay in montage or a puzzle for students of Sergei Eisenstein and André Bazin. A knight in armour rides a horse . . .

On Angelica Kauffman

Brigid von Preussen

20 June 2024

In​ 1807, Angelica Kauffman’s body was carried in state to her funeral at the church of Sant’Andrea delle Fratte in Rome. A small army of priests, artists and dignitaries accompanied the coffin . . .

Picasso and Tragedy

T.J. Clark, 17 August 2017

Perhaps, then – though the thought is a grim one – we turn to Guernica with a kind of nostalgia. Suffering and horror were once this large. They were dreadful, but they had a tragic dimension.

Read more about Picasso and Tragedy


Ian Penman, 2 July 2015

Sinatra’s sexual charge was like his song: underplayed, tinged with unflappable cool picked up second-hand in the shady cloisters of jazz.

Read more about Swoonatra

Is Wagner bad for us?

Nicholas Spice, 11 April 2013

Wagner’s work is everywhere preoccupied with boundaries set and overstepped, limits reached and exceeded.

Read more about Is Wagner bad for us?

At the End of My Pencil

Bridget Riley, 8 October 2009

As I drew, things began to change. Quite suddenly something was happening down there on the paper that I had not anticipated. I continued, I went on drawing; I pushed ahead, both intuitively and consciously. The squares began to lose their original form.

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It’s a playground: Kiarostami et Compagnie

Gilberto Perez, 27 June 2002

A photograph of Abbas Kiarostami in Hamid Dabashi’s book shows him crouching over a frying pan that has two eggs in it. Beside him, and like him focused on the eggs, is the original movie camera invented by Lumière.

Read more about It’s a playground: Kiarostami et Compagnie

That Wooden Leg: Conversations with Don Luis

Michael Wood, 7 September 2000

‘Studio Vingt-Huit – high up a winding street of Montmartre, in the full blasphemy of a freezing Sunday; taxis arriving, friends greeting each other, an excitable afternoon...

Read more about That Wooden Leg: Conversations with Don Luis

Noovs’ hoovs in the trough

Angela Carter, 24 January 1985

The true foodie knows there is something not quite ... about a coconut kirsch roulade as a concept. It is just a bit ... just a bit Streatham. Its vowels are subtly wrong. It is probably related to a Black Forest gâteau.

Read more about Noovs’ hoovs in the trough

The Raphael Question

Lawrence Gowing, 15 March 1984

When I used to give a survey course for first-year students, I dreaded December. That was when I reached the High Renaissance and my audience fell away. It was not only the alternative seasonable...

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Dressing and Undressing

Anita Brookner, 15 April 1982

Fashion,​ according to Baudelaire, is a moral affair. It is, more specifically, the obligation laid upon a woman to transform herself, outwardly and visibly, into a work of art, or, at the very...

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On the Nightingale

Mary Wellesley, 6 June 2024

The nightingale’s song is punctuated by rich, almost painful pauses. In the silence, one imagines the bird has come to the end of a verse and is considering, with the ease and confidence of a seasoned...

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The Village Voice went to press with an invitation to its readers to become its contributors. Forget about being professional writers or journalists, the editors announced. Send us what you find interesting....

Read more about Orgasm isn’t my bag: On the ‘Village Voice’

In the end a lot of Surrealism suffers from the scripting of manifest content with latent meaning: the artist encodes, the viewer decodes, and the old machinery of symbolic interpretation turns over, only...

Read more about Big toes are gross: Surrealism's Influence

At the Movies: ‘La Chimera’

Michael Wood, 23 May 2024

When do we dig up the dead, and how? Can they be robbed? What if their deadness is final, and that’s all we need to know, or can know?

Read more about At the Movies: ‘La Chimera’

On Jan Lievens

John-Paul Stonard, 23 May 2024

Jan Lievens was not one for wild expression or extreme physiognomy; his tronies summon a striking human presence. He could render human heads as unforgettable apparitions.

Read more about On Jan Lievens

Maldoror honoured independence struggles in Africa and other parts of the world throughout her life. But she wouldn’t set aside her values as a filmmaker in the name of a cause: ways of seeing had to...

Read more about I am only interested in women who struggle: On Sarah Maldoror

Higher Ordinariness: Poor Surrey

Jonathan Meades, 23 May 2024

Surrey comes from a different time. It is, to appropriate Surreyspeak, forever a wholly unconvincing approximation of yore (1450-1600). It comes from a different place, too: so lavishly heathered, gorsed,...

Read more about Higher Ordinariness: Poor Surrey

Diary: Art and Memory

Julian Barnes, 9 May 2024

We think we remember works of art rather well; and probably assume that the greater the work of art, and the more powerfully it strikes us, the more accurate our mental image of it must be. But memory...

Read more about Diary: Art and Memory

One way of refusing to see the difference between making a movie and talking about one is to remember that films often talk, literally and obliquely, about film. 

Read more about A Little Bit of Real Life: Writing with Godard

‘The artist,’ Jacques Lacan wrote, ‘always precedes [the analyst].’ Great works of art had already illuminated even the most deeply hidden features of the phenomena he sought to describe.

Read more about At the Pompidou-Metz: ‘Lacan: L’Exposition’

No Taste: Above the Altar

Charles Hope, 25 April 2024

The idea of a church as a place for the dead as much as for the living has now largely disappeared, but it was central to religious thought and practice in the Renaissance and later. The living prayed...

Read more about No Taste: Above the Altar

At the Perimeter: On Shuvinai Ashoona

Emily LaBarge, 25 April 2024

Inuit art as we know it – though often assumed to be an ancient cultural tradition – is a product of the 20th century. Its imagery, however, is a complex fusion of old and new, of the pre-colonial...

Read more about At the Perimeter: On Shuvinai Ashoona

At the Movies: ‘The Delinquents’

Michael Wood, 25 April 2024

Rodrigo Moreno’s​ The Delinquents has been described as a heist movie and a comedy. These labels are appropriate only if every bank robbery is a heist, and if we call films comedies when we can’t...

Read more about At the Movies: ‘The Delinquents’

Where does culture come from?

Terry Eagleton, 25 April 2024

Marxism is about leisure, not labour. The only good reason for being a socialist, apart from annoying people you don’t like, is that you don’t like to work.

Read more about Where does culture come from?

Remembering the Future

Hazel V. Carby, 4 April 2024

I am reminded of the first maps I saw as a child, hanging on the walls of British classrooms. Of course, the colour that occurred most often on those maps was red, not white, a difference in surface but...

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‘Replay’ is Kruger’s term for her reworkings of the early iconic screen prints, transferred from their original formats to free-standing LED video screens. This is the Kruger blueprint: levity shot...

Read more about At the Serpentine: On Barbara Kruger

At the Movies: ‘American Fiction’

Michael Wood, 21 March 2024

The film keeps threatening to come apart, almost unable to juggle its sorrowful realism with its wild farce. It doesn’t come apart, though, and the survived threat is part of the unshakeable discomfort...

Read more about At the Movies: ‘American Fiction’

Too Big to Shut Down: Rave On

Chal Ravens, 7 March 2024

Acid house wasn’t a genre of dance music so much as a new way of experiencing it: audiences dressed down, parties ran all night and – so dancers reported – social divisions disintegrated, helped...

Read more about Too Big to Shut Down: Rave On

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