Colors and Color Identity

You can find cards that are a certain color using the c: or color: keyword, and cards that are a certain color identity using the id: or identity: keywords.

Both sets of keywords accepts full color names like blue or the abbreviated color letters w, u, r, b and g.

You can use many nicknames for color sets: all guild names (e.g. azorius), all shard names (e.g. bant), all college names (e.g., quandrix), all wedge names (e.g. abzan), and the four-color nicknames chaos, aggression, altruism, growth, artifice are supported.

Use c or colorless to match colorless cards, and m or multicolor to match multicolor cards.

You can use comparison expressions (>, <, >=, <=, and !=) to check against ranges of colors.

Find cards that have a color indicator with has:indicator.

Card Types

Find cards of a certain card type with the t: or type: keywords. You can search for any supertype, card type, or subtype.

Using only partial words is allowed.

Card Text

Use the o: or oracle: keywords to find cards that have specific phrases in their text box.

You can put quotes " " around text with punctuation or spaces.

You can use ~ in your text as a placeholder for the card’s name.

This keyword usually checks the current Oracle text for cards, so it uses the most up-to-date phrasing available. For example, “dies” instead of “is put into a graveyard”.

Use the fo: or fulloracle: operator to search the full Oracle text, which includes reminder text.

You can also use keyword: or kw: to search for cards with a specific keyword ability.

Mana Costs

Use the m: or mana: keyword to search for cards that have certain symbols in their mana costs.

This keyword uses the official text version of mana costs set forth in the Comprehensive Rules. For example, {G} represents a green mana.

Shorthand is allowed for symbols that aren’t split: G is the same as {G}

However, you must always wrap complex/split symbols like {2/G} in braces.

You can search for mana costs using comparison operators; a mana cost is greater than another if it includes all the same symbols and more, and it’s less if it includes only a subset of symbols.

You can find cards of a specific mana value with manavalue or mv, comparing with a numeric expression (>, <, =, >=, <=, and !=). You can also find even or odd mana costs with manavalue:even or manavalue:odd

You can filter cards that contain hybrid mana symbols with is:hybrid or Phyrexian mana symbols with is:phyrexian

You can find permanents that provide specific levels of devotion, using either single-color mana symbols for devotion to one color, or hybrid symbols for devotion to two, with devotion: or a comparison operator.

You can also find cards that produce specific types of mana, with produces:

Power, Toughness, and Loyalty

You can use numeric expressions (>, <, =, >=, <=, and !=) to find cards with certain power, power/pow, toughness, toughness/tou, total power and toughness, pt/powtou, or starting loyalty, loyalty/loy.

You can compare the values with each other or with a provided number.

Multi-faced Cards

You can find cards that have more than one face with is:split (split cards), is:flip (flip cards), is:transform (cards that transform), is:meld (cards that meld), is:leveler (cards with Level Up), is:dfc (double-faced cards), and is:mdfc (modal double-faced cards).

Spells, Permanents, and Effects

Find cards that are cast as spells with is:spell.

Find permanent cards with is:permanent, historic cards with is:historic, creatures that can be in your party with is:party, modal effects with is:modal, vanilla creatures with is:vanilla, or French vanilla cards with is:frenchvanilla. Find 2/2/2 “bear” creatures with is:bear.

Extra Cards and Funny Cards

Vanguard, plane, scheme, and phenomenon cards are hidden by default, as are cards from “memorabilia” sets. You must either search for their type (using the type: keyword) or a set that contains them (the set: keyword).

Un-cards, holiday cards, and other funny cards are findable with is:funny or mentioning their set.

You may also use include:extras to reveal absolutely every card when you search.


Use r: or rarity: to find cards by their print rarity. You can search for common, uncommon, rare, ‘special’, mythic, and ‘bonus’. You can also use comparison operators like < and >=.

Use new:rarity to find reprint cards printed at a new rarity for the first time. You can find cards that have ever been printed in a given rarity using in: (for example, in:rare to find cards that have ever been printed at rare.)

Sets and Blocks

Use s:, e:, set:, or edition: to find cards using their Magic set code.

Use cn: or number: to find cards by collector number within a set. Combine this with s: to find specific card editions. Searching by ranges with a syntax like cn>50 is also possible.

Use b: or block: to find cards in a Magic block by providing the three-letter code for any set in that block.

The in: keyword finds cards that once “passed through” the given set code. For example in:lea would only match cards that once appeared in Alpha.

You can search for cards based on the type of product they appear in. This includes the primary product types (st:core, st:expansion, or st:draftinnovation), as well as series of products (st:masters, st:funny, st:commander, st:duel_deck, st:from_the_vault, st:spellbook, or st:premium_deck) and more specialized types (st:alchemy, st:archenemy, st:masterpiece, st:memorabilia, st:planechase, st:promo, st:starter, st:token, st:treasure_chest, or st:vanguard.)

The in: keyword also supports these set types, so you can search for cards with no printings in a set type with a query like -in:core.

You can also search for individual cards that were sold in certain places with is:booster or is:planeswalker_deck, or specific types of promo cards with is: queries like is:league, is:buyabox, is:giftbox, is:intro_pack, is:gameday, is:prerelease, is:release, is:fnm, is:judge_gift, is:arena_league, is:player_rewards, is:media_insert, is:instore, is:convention, or is:set_promo, among others.


Find cards that are part of cube lists using the cube: keyword. The currently supported cubes are arena, grixis, legacy, chuck, twisted, protour, uncommon, april, modern, amaz, tinkerer, livethedream, chromatic, and vintage.

Format Legality

Use the f: or format: keywords to find cards that are legal in a given format.

You can also find cards that are explicitly banned in a format with the banned: keyword and restricted with the restricted: keyword.

The current supported formats are: standard, future (Future Standard), historic, timeless, gladiator, pioneer, explorer, modern, legacy, pauper, vintage, penny (Penny Dreadful), commander, oathbreaker, standardbrawl, brawl, alchemy, paupercommander, duel (Duel Commander), oldschool (Old School 93/94), premodern, and predh.

You can use is:commander to find cards that can be your commander, is:brawler to find cards that can be your Brawl Commander, and is:companion to find Companion cards, and is:duelcommander to find cards that can be your Duel Commander.

Finally, you can find cards on the Reserved List with is:reserved.

USD/EUR/TIX prices

You can find prints within certain usd, eur, tix price ranges by comparing them with a numeric expression (>, <, =, >=, <=, and !=).

You can find the cheapest print of each card with cheapest:usd, cheapest:eur, and cheapest:tix.

Artist, Flavor Text and Watermark

Search for cards illustrated by a certain artist with the a:, or artist: keywords. And you can search for cards with more than one artist using artists>1.

Search for words in a card’s flavor text using the ft: or flavor: keywords.

Search for a card’s affiliation watermark using the wm: or watermark: keywords, or match all cards with watermarks using has:watermark.

For any of these, you can wrap statements with spaces or punctuation in quotes " ".

You can find cards being printed with new illustrations using new:art, being illustrated by a particular artist for the first time with new:artist, and with brand-new flavor text using new:flavor.

You can compare how many different illustrations a give card has with things like illustrations>1.

Border, Frame, Foil & Resolution

Use the border: keyword to find cards with a black, white, silver, or borderless border.

You can find cards with a specific frame edition using frame:1993, frame:1997, frame:2003, frame:2015, and frame:future. You can also search for particular frame-effects, such as frame:legendary, frame:colorshifted, frame:tombstone, frame:nyxtouched.

You can find cards with full art using is:full.

new:frame will find cards printed in a specific frame for the first time.

Each card is available in non-foil, in foil, or in both. You can find prints available in each with is:nonfoil and is:foil, or is:foil is:nonfoil to find prints (like most booster cards) available in both. You can also find cards available in etched foil and glossy finishes with is:etched and is:glossy.

You can find cards in our database with high-resolution images using is:hires.

Search for a card’s security stamp with stamp:oval, stamp:acorn, stamp:triangle, or stamp:arena

Games, Promos, & Spotlights

You can find specific prints available in different Magic game environments with the game: keyword. The games paper, mtgo, and arena are supported.

You can filter by a card’s availability in a game with the in: keyword. The games paper, mtgo, and arena are supported.

Find prints that are only available digitally (MTGO and Arena) with is:digital.

Find promotional cards (in any environment) with is:promo.

Find cards that are Story Spotlights with is:spotlight.

Find cards that Scryfall has had the honor of previewing with is:scryfallpreview.


You can use numeric expressions (>, <, =, >=, <=, and !=) to find cards that were released relative to a certain year or a yyyy-mm-dd date. You can also use any set code to stand in for the set’s release date.

Tagger Tags

You can use art:, atag:, or arttag: to find things in a card’s illustration.

You can use function:, otag:, or oracletag: to find “Oracle” tags which describe the function of the card.

Data for these two features comes from the Tagger project.


You can find reprints with is:reprint, cards that were new in their set with not:reprint, and cards that have only been in a single set with is:unique. You can also compare the number of times a card has been printed with syntax like prints=1, or the number of sets a card has been in with sets=1. These can also be compared including only paper sets with paperprints=1 and papersets=1.


You can request cards in certain languages with the lang:/language: keywords.

You can widen your search to any language with the special lang:any keyword.

You can also find the first printing of a card in each language using new:language and all printings of a card that’s been printed in a language at least once with in: (e.g. in:ru will find cards that have ever been printed in Russian.)

Shortcuts and Nicknames

The search system includes a few convenience shortcuts for common card sets:

You can find some interesting land groups with is:bikeland (alias cycleland, bicycleland), is:bounceland (alias karoo), is:canopyland (alias canland), is:checkland, is:dual, is:fastland, is:fetchland, is:filterland, is:gainland, is:painland, is:scryland, is:shadowland, is:shockland, is:storageland, is:creatureland, is:triland, and is:tangoland (alias battleland)

You can find all Masterpiece Series cards with is:masterpiece

Negating Conditions

All keywords except for include can be negated by prefixing them with a hyphen (-). This inverts the meaning of the keyword to reject cards that matched what you’ve searched for.

The is: keyword has a convenient inverted mode not: which is the same as -is:. Conversely, -not: is the same as is:.

Loose name words can also be inverted with -

Regular Expressions

You can use forward slashes // instead of quotes with the type:, t:, oracle:, o:, flavor:, ft:, and name: keywords to match those parts of a card with a regular expression.

Scryfall supports many regex features such as .*?, option groups (a|b), brackets [ab], character classes \d, \w, and anchors (?!), \b, ^, and $.

Forward slashes inside your regex must be escaped with \/.

Full documentation for this keyword is available on our Regular Expressions help page.

Exact Names

If you prefix words or quoted phrases with ! you will find cards with that exact name only.

This is still case-insensitive.

Using “OR”

By default every search term you enter is combined. All of them must match to find a card.

If you want to search over a set of options or choices, you can put the special word or/OR between terms.

Nesting Conditions

You may nest conditions inside parentheses ( ) to group them together. This is most useful when combined with the OR keyword.

Remember that terms that are not separated by OR are still combined.

Display Keywords

You can enter your display options for searches as keywords rather than using the controls on the page.

Select how duplicate results are eliminated with unique:cards, unique:prints (previously ++), or unique:art (also @@).

Change how results are shown with display:grid, display:checklist, display:full, or display:text.

Change how results are sorted with order:artist, order:cmc, order:power, order:toughness, order:set, order:name, order:usd, order:tix, order:eur, order:rarity, order:color, order:released, order:spoiled, order:edhrec, order:penny, or order:review.

Select what printings of cards to preferentially show with prefer:oldest, prefer:newest, prefer:usd-low or prefer:usd-high (and the equivalents for tix and eur), or prefer:promo.

Change the order of the sorted data with direction:asc or direction:desc.