We are currently trying to accomplish cross-frame dragging between draggables and sortables provided by jQuery UI. This is working properly now. However, the mouse offset seems off when dragging from the parent to the child frame--please see this fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/r5nfe/6/.

Code in the parent:

$('#my-frame').load(function () {
        appendTo: 'body',
        helper: 'clone',
        iframeFix: true,
        revert: 'invalid',
        connectToSortable: $('#my-frame').contents().find('.sortable'),
        cursorAt: { top: 0, left: 0 } 

        iframeFix: true,
        cursorAt: { top: 0, left: 0 } 

Code in the child frame:

var containers = $('.sortable');
    connectWith: containers,
    cursor: 'move',
    revert: true,
    cursorAt: { top: 0, left: 0 } 

Can someone please tell us how to fix the mouse offset?


2 Answers 2


solution 2 update

I added this js function because when you add too many draggable element to the iframe, the drag elements can be overlapped by the sortable elements if you scroll down


function autoResize(){
    var newheight;
        newheight=document.getElementById('my-frame').contentWindow.document .body.scrollHeight;

here the new jsfiddle
end solution 2 update

This problem appear to be a bug and someone have made his solution ( basically a workaround): trasparent div solution

1 My first solution, without changing the code, could be in placing the iframe before of the draggable stuff, as shown here, the code:

<iframe id="my-frame" src="/VqxGf/3/show"></iframe>
    <li class="draggable">Drag me</li>
    <li class="draggable">Drag me 2</li>
    <li class="draggable">Drag me 3</li>

2 Another solution that seems to work is to play with the style property: position absolute for the ul in which contain the draggable

  • s, a bit of margin-top for the sortable stuff in the frame and, maybe, a frameborder=0. jsfiddle The main page:

    <ul style="position:absolute">
        <li class="draggable">Drag me</li>
        <li class="draggable">Drag me 2</li>
        <li class="draggable">Drag me 3</li>
    <iframe frameborder="0" id="my-frame" src="/ATu6F/30/show"></iframe>

    The iframe page:

    <ul id="sortable" style="margin-top:100px" class="sortable idle">
        <li>Sortable 2</li>
        <li>Sortable 3</li>
    <ul id="sortable2" class="sortable idle">
        <li>Sortable 2</li>
        <li>Sortable 3</li>

    Hope this helps.

    Please see the edit at the beginning of this post

  • 4
    • Thanks @JoDev I would like to let you know that I updated that solution to avoid that the draggable stuf be overlapped from the sortable content when you scroll Commented Jun 13, 2013 at 11:49
    • when i run this code i get this error: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.overflowOffset.top') Commented Nov 10, 2014 at 17:37
    • yes this code gives the error i mentioned when using jquery-ui-1.11.2 Commented Nov 10, 2014 at 17:58
    • Thats a bug. See bugs.jqueryui.com/ticket/15047 This project solves that for droppables: github.com/maxazan/jquery-ui-droppable-iframe. But it doesn't work for sortables (github.com/maxazan/jquery-ui-droppable-iframe/issues/2) and the author doesn't seem to maintain this project. I think a solution could be similar and one would need to fix something in jQueryUi within sortable.refreshPositions();
      – Sandro
      Commented Sep 21, 2016 at 13:53

    I've tried this for my part. But it doesn't work perfectly.

    I change the appendTo with parent.body, and the cursorAt with 100 on top param.

    $('#my-frame').load(function () {
        appendTo: 'parent.body',
        helper: 'clone',
        iframeFix: true,
        revert: 'invalid',
        connectToSortable: $('#my-frame').contents().find('.sortable'),
        cursorAt: { top: 100, left: 0 } 
        iframeFix: true,
        cursorAt: { top: 0, left: 0 } 

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