Is it possible to user Dojo GridX with some kind of row headers or rowspan?

I want to present the hierarchical (2-level) structure in the grid - a grouping item has some subitems, such like:

|             | Address 1  |
| Customer 1  |------------|
|             | Address 2  |
|             | Address 1  |
| Customer 1  |------------|
|             | Address 2  |

In pure HTML it's one of the methods described in http://www.pdprogrammeur.com/tables-and-html5-table/ but for Dojo GridX I couldn't find any such example.

Is such functionality supported in GridX? If so, how to use it?


1 Answer 1


The colspan is not available for gridx, we may plan to implement it in the future version.

  • You're a GridX team member? Is there a ticket for that change? If so, it would be an answer (documented on script :)
    – Web Devie
    Commented Apr 30, 2014 at 11:44

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