Let's save I have an Element:

var el = $('mooo');

What's the easiest way to set its 'onclick' attribute or event (it may already have one)?

2 Answers 2


MooTools handles all its event adding with the addEvent() function:

var el = $('mooo');
el.addEvent('click',function(){ alert("I got clicked!"); });

Event names simply have the "on" prefix removed, ie. 'click','mouseover','mouseenter', etc.

  • yop, if JamesBrownlsDead wants to get rid of the events and replace them he should do like that : jsfiddle.net/WqgJE (maybe that's why he mentioned that the element may already have one?)
    – Romain
    Commented Mar 21, 2013 at 13:00
$('mooo').addEvent('click', function(e){
    // your code here.

You mention, regarding events, that your element mooo may already have one. This should not affect this code.

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