Is it possible with ffmpeg psnr filter to get a psnr measurement with more than 2 digits?

for example

ffmpeg -i video1.yuv-i video2.yuv -lavfi psnr=stats_file=psnr_stats.txt -f null -

psnr_stats.txt looks like:

n:1 mse_avg:131.63 mse_y:198.03 mse_u:45.96 mse_v:84.51 psnr_avg:38.99 psnr_y:37.23 psnr_u:43.57 psnr_v:40.93 
n:2 mse_avg:153.95 mse_y:236.57 mse_u:49.66 mse_v:93.00 psnr_avg:38.31 psnr_y:36.46 psnr_u:43.24 psnr_v:40.51 

Is it possible to make it output more than 2 decimal digits?

PS: I need to work with > 8 bits videos, therefore tools that compute PSNR with 255 as max are not suitable

1 Answer 1


Edit: Printouts are no longer limited to 2 figures after the decimal point as of 12th Feb 2021. Available in git master builds or starting with release 4.4

More precise figures don't look possible. All the data printout formats are hardcoded as "%0.2f" in libavfilter/vf_psnr.c.


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