I want to implement Web project that will primarily:

  • consist of some kind of map (google maps,open street map, etc) of my local place (city/village)

  • appear in real-time with colorful tags on map which shop is open/close

  • on clicking on tag/point will popup a message info with photo and details of shop

What alternatives/stack technology are suitable for this case(open source project)? Only free suggestions, without any $ plan.

1 Answer 1


Use a web framework of your choice or just javascript and leafletjs (based on openstreetmap).

  • Wow. Frankly, first ever hear it. Thanks! Commented Mar 18, 2017 at 22:35
  • Dude, I have < 15 reputation, otherwise I would vote :) Commented Mar 18, 2017 at 22:45

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