I'm using windows 7, eclipse neon.3, liberty server, WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Tools 2016.0.0.v20170505_1729

I have a probem when starting the liberty server from eclipse. The server is actually starting fine, but eclipse is just showing the 'Starting'- status and never get confirmation that the server is actually started. After the predefined timeout, eclipse is giving up and stops the server.

If I start the server from command line, everythings works fine and eclipse confirmed that the server is running. Have tried both ibm sdk 8 and oracle.

What is actually the WDT (or eclipse) using for determing the server is started or not ?

1 Answer 1


WDT is looking for this message from the server: CWWKF0011I: The server is ready to run a smarter planet.

Please check the following link to make sure you have not changed something in the server configuration that is causing the tools to miss the message:


  • Yes, I have found a bug in WDT. After removing com.ibm.ws.logging. console.log.level=OFF from my bootstrap.properties, then the WDT works as designed. It looks lik it's missing the console.log. Have rised an PMR for that.
    – bwa
    Commented Jun 13, 2017 at 14:57
  • Ups, after reading the link, it's just my issue, but I found it myself. I might be a good debugger ... :-)
    – bwa
    Commented Jun 13, 2017 at 15:00

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