I have a huge project that I want to move from JQuery 1.4.x to 1.7.x

Where are the changes I need to be aware of when migrating, I know there is an issue with

.attr() and .prop()

Are there any other things I need to know, this is a production project so no mistakes can be allowed with behavior of the website.

Thank you.

  • 1
    You do have a development area to do the upgrade in, right?
    – Kevin B
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 17:18
  • Since 1.5 cross-sire requests require setting $.support.cors = true;.
    – GSerg
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 17:22

1 Answer 1


"Where are the changes I need to be aware of when migrating..."

See the Version link in the API docs, which includes a link to New or Changed in 1.7, which contains a link to the release notes.

The API has links for each version...

enter image description here

  • 1
    I was thinking there is a better aggregation of the changes somewhere.
    – David MZ
    Commented Feb 16, 2012 at 17:55

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