I have implemented search by map function on my web-site. The map have some divisions that are clickable and send a value to the controller.

<form name="myform" action="index.php?option=com&amp;task=seacrh_by_map" method="post">
<dd id="imgDI">
<a id="DI" href="javascript:getvalue('DI')" 
<dd id="imgDII">
<a id="DI" href="javascript:getvalue('DII')" 
<input type="hidden" name="my_value" value="" />    

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function getvalue (my_value)
document.myform.my_value.value = my_value;
document.myform.submit() ;

After sending this form, the controller gives an answer (results of search) and the map returns to its original position. Is there a way to prevent that? The map should show the division that was chosen. Is there a way to send a value to controller using js without map form refresh?

1 Answer 1


You can use AJAX and JSON for this

AJAX = a method of retrieving resources asynchronously via HTTP using JavaScript

JSON = stands for JavaScript Object Notation

Simple Example is Here

AJAX stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML, a scary-sounding mix of technologies, but don’t let the buzzwords scare you. Think of AJAX as a programming technique that combines several technologies. And remember, you’re in luck because jQuery simplifies AJAX for you.

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