I am trying to generate a responsive dojocharts for mobile and tablets.

Here I had already trying though media queries through CSS. but its not working properly.

So anyone please suggest me how can I make my dojo chart responsive.

Below is my example for dojo responsive chart.but not working.

function(Chart, Pie, Highlight, MoveSlice, easing, Tooltip, MiamiNice, Legend, ready) {
ready(function() {
    var chartTwo = new Chart("chartTwo");
        .addPlot("default", {
            type: Pie,
            font: "normal normal 11pt Tahoma",
            fontColor: "black",
            animate: {
                duration: 1000,
                easing: easing.cubicIn
            labelOffset: -30,
            radius: 150
        }).addSeries("Series A", [{
            "y": 101,
            "text": "INDIA",
            "tooltip": "INDIA"
        }, {
            "y": 339.86,
            "text": "USA",
            "tooltip": "USA"
        }, {
            "y": 329.73,
            "text": "UK",
            "tooltip": "UK"
        }, {
            "y": 953.96,
            "text": "UAE",
            "tooltip": "UAE"
    var anim_a = new MoveSlice(chartTwo, "default");
    var anim_b = new Highlight(chartTwo, "default");
    var anim_c = new Tooltip(chartTwo, "default");
    var legendTwo = new Legend({
        chart: chartTwo
    }, "legendTwo");

 <body class="claro">
  <div id="chartTwo" style="width: 600px; height: 350px;"></div>
 <div id="legendTwo"></div>

So kindly request to everbody and also dojo community please suggest for this question for responsive dojocharts.

  • This isn't a dojo community. Please show us what have you done so far so we can help you.
    – mehulmpt
    Commented Sep 2, 2014 at 15:26
  • @MehulMohan..Here i am using this code for responsive through javascript ' var screenwidth = window.innerWidth; var pieradius = 100; var pielabeloffset =4; var piestartangel =120; if(screenwidth <600){pieradius = 90; pielabeloffset = 10;piestartangel= 60;} ' and also media queries like ' media screen and (max-width:600px){.chartDiv{width:100%}' Commented Sep 2, 2014 at 15:58
  • @MehulMohan.suggest me how can i make my chart responsive. Commented Sep 3, 2014 at 4:18


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