I was working with jquery v1.3.2 and following piece of code was all working nice

$(".textid").live('click',function(){ textbox_input=true; });

But as soon as I updated to jquery v1.4.2 above piece of code just not working as expected!!.

Just to test script identified the click event correctly I added following

    alert('you clicked me');

and message pop up saying "Load Jquery First" {this come sometime}

I checked my include list and jquery is the first include.....

Can someone guide me to resolve this issue.

Regards, Priti

  • 1
    Does "not working as expected" mean not working at all? What does your javascript debugger (e.g. Firebug) say is happening?
    – Ken Redler
    Commented Jun 8, 2010 at 5:05

1 Answer 1


either some other code fails or your link to 1.4.2 is broken.

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