I have droppable elements in main frame, and sortable inside iframe app. What I need is to connect them - to be able to drag items to iframe's sortable

There is what I've done: http://jsfiddle.net/w9L3eorx/1/

Inside iframe I have

<div class="content">
    <div class="block">Foo</div>
    <div class="block">Bar</div>

        iframeFix: true,
        placeholder: 'block-placeholder',
        update: function (event, ui) {
            // turn the dragged item into a "block"

The main frame

<div class='items'>
    <div class="one">One</div>
    <div class="two">Two</div>

<iframe src="frame.html" id="frame" width="800" height="800"></iframe>

    $('.items div').draggable({
        helper: function(e) {
            return $('<div>').addClass('block').text( $(e.target).text() );
        iframeFix: true,
        connectToSortable: $('.content', $("#frame")[0].contentDocument)

I see working example http://ma.rkusa.st/zepto-dnd/example.html. But it is built without jquery and is not working on IE9

2 Answers 2


Here you go:

    $('.items div').draggable({
        helper: function(e) {
            return $('<div>').addClass('block').text( $(e.target).text() );
        iframeFix: true,
            iframeFix: true,
            placeholder: 'block-placeholder',
            update: function (event, ui) {
                // turn the dragged item into a "block"

FIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/w9L3eorx/5/

Note that your iframe should be just plain HTML (do not initialize sortable there or it will misbehave)

  • Thank you, partly solves my question, but I need first init sortable in iframe (my case is much more complicated than this example). Can I somehow destroy sortable first? For example ...connectToSortable:$('#frame').contents().find('.content').sortable('destroy').sortable({.. Commented Aug 21, 2015 at 10:54

I have changed boszlo example to fit my needs:

  • I need first init sortable in iframe (my dropable sidebar will appear later after some clicks)
  • I need re-init sortable in parent (main) frame with connected dropable but with exact the same options.


So in iframe I have added function

window.destroySortableAndGetOptions = function (selector) {
    var opts = $(selector).sortable('option');
    return opts;

Which will destroy sortable and returns options.

And in my main frame before droppable init, I destroy sortable and take options

var sortableOptions = document.getElementById('frame').contentWindow.destroySortableAndGetOptions('.content');

and re-init sortable with the same options


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