I am using Eclipse Mars.2 Release 4.5.2. When I check for updates Eclipse shows the following item:

Object Teams Patch for JDT/Core

This feature is NOT a regular update of the JDT, but REPLACES the org.exlipse.jdt.core plugin by the corresponding version for Object Teams. This change makes the JDT Core capable to handle OT/J code.

When I click on finish the window goes away and Eclipse says that I need to restart for the changes to take effect. When I restart and check for updates the update is still there and not installed.

Is there a way to get rid of this update?

1 Answer 1


Do you have this feature installed? If yes and if you don't use it, I suggest you simply go an remove it (Help > About Eclipse... > Installation Details > Installed Software, you'll see an Uninstall button).

If this persists, it could be a small issue in the main Eclipse update-site, so you should report it to http://bugs.eclipse.org .

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