I tried to use an online unminifier (http://mrcoles.com/blog/css-unminify/). I replaced the minimized with the unminized text. Afterwards I called the URL, the whole website was not layouted.

But I really need to configure some css-classes, just integrating a new css-lib would not help.

What did I wrong? Maybe the unminifier does not work and you can recommend me a better one?


2 Answers 2


I've always used this one and it's always worked for me :)

  • Nice, this tool worked for me! Thank you for response !
    – N3wbie
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 14:20

The website updated 6 years ago (also github page). So maybe there is problem about it.

I recommend you to use Atom editor. Use this package with Atom. It always works for me.

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