hello in my ubuntu machine with my brand new apache2 server (mod php) a have this test.php

    if($_GET***91;'foo'***93; == '</test>'){

however when i do a get request then i saw this in the apache logs :

[Sun Feb 06 16:47:51 2011] [error] [client] PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '*' in /var/www/test.php on line 2

any ideas??? thnx in advance

  • 2
    The ***91 is supposed to be an opening bracket [ and the other a closing one. Your PHP file is broken for some reason
    – Pekka
    Commented Feb 6, 2011 at 15:31
  • 1
    You are getting syntax error because it's syntax error
    – S L
    Commented Feb 6, 2011 at 15:34
  • It was probably &#91; as copied from a website. Would be interesting to know how it got transformed to three asterisks. Where did you find the code?
    – mario
    Commented Feb 6, 2011 at 15:34

1 Answer 1


Try this:

    if($_GET['foo'] == '</test>') {

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