How do you create a HTTP 302 in order to redirect mobile users to a different URL: example.com to m.example.com ?

Google recommends HTTP 302 for redirecting mobile users:

"HTTP redirection is commonly used to redirect clients to device-specific URLs. (...) It does not matter if the server redirects with an HTTP 301 or a 302 status code, but use of 302 is recommended whenever possible."

As a better technique than JavaScript redirect:

"Be aware of the latency caused by the client side of redirection due to the need to first download the page, then parse and execute the JavaScript before triggering the redirect."


  • 1
    you need to do it on the server, which server are you talking about? Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 11:56
  • Sure @david.lucky Can you make the question more specific so I know what answer to provide?
    – Michelle
    Commented Mar 31, 2018 at 14:27


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