My TFS agent is working fine on the first build but after completion of this build, the agent needs Ctrl+C to be typed in run.cmd, I want is automatic not manual interaction, how?

  • Hi, can you please go into some more detail here? Is there any build or build definition configuration information you can provide?
    – Dan Drews
    Commented Jul 13, 2018 at 10:17
  • when i start agent cmd.exe for starting agent to start build, first build run successfully then the next trigger build does not run automatically, we have to restart the cmd.exe for it.. but i want to run it automatically thank u
    – Abid Ali
    Commented Jul 13, 2018 at 12:56
  • Another thread issue is related to trigger build task, what's the result if you just run the empty builds? Commented Jul 18, 2018 at 11:42

2 Answers 2


Which kind of problem do you have? Next build can not be started (or any another)? You may configure your build agent to start as service also: enter image description here


Please make sure you build agent configured as service mode not interactive mode.

If you configured the agent to run as a service, it starts automatically. You can view and control the agent running status from the services snap-in. Run services.msc and look for "VSTS Agent (name of your agent)".

As your described, sounds like the root cause is your build agent not configured properly. For the second failed build, suggest you remote to your build agent server and try to run the build use command line to narrow down if the issue related to TFS or environment.

Also suggest you to reconfigure your build agent or deployed a totally new build agent, then test again.

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