I'm am trying to deploy an external Load Balancer using deployment manager with .jinja and .yaml files.

Currently I can only find documentation and resources on deploying internal Load Balancers, is deploying a external Load Balancer possible with .jinja and .yaml?

Any help with this would be much appreciated!

1 Answer 1


You may deploy an external Load Balancer using .jinja or .yaml files. You may see this link on Github for reference on how to do this using YAML. You can create a .jinja file using the same API calls mentioned in that link and use it to create an external GCP LoadBalancer. You can find sample deployment manager resource snippets in this link which can be used to create your deployment files.

  • Thanks for those links they seem very helpful, could you explain a little what is going on in the first link? Thanks!
    – L. Full
    Commented Dec 11, 2018 at 21:42
  • There is no a single API to create a LoadBalancer(LB) as this is created using multiple GCE resources as explained in here, for which you can call all the APIs to create a LB. Commented Dec 12, 2018 at 17:37
  • The code is creating resources based on the resource type provided. You can see it is creating a backend service with health check with the resource 'compute.v1.backendService'. The section '$(ref.apache-url-map.selfLink)' is creating a variable which calls a previous resource backend service. Finally it is creating a forwarding rule to forward traffic to the internet on port 80. You can see this link for more information about the resource types used which will help you understand the code better. Commented Dec 12, 2018 at 17:37

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