Why I'm getting this error? val is not a function when I validate the number.

$(this).find('#register-validation .next').click(function() {
     var _parent = $(this).parents('#register-validation');
     _parent.find('input.required').each(function(index) {
         if($(this).val() == "" || $(this).val() == errReq) { // here is fine
         else if(isNaN($(this).hasClass('number').val())) { // but when validation goes here, I got this error.
         else {

Please help. Thanks a lot.

  • @corroded i guess ($(this).val() == "" ||
    – S L
    Commented Mar 30, 2011 at 7:57

3 Answers 3


That line is causing your problem. You are calling .val() on the boolean returned by hasClass(). You have to be a bit careful when chaining methods as although most will return the jquery object some return different values and therefore can't be chained.

Try this instead:

$('.number', this).val()

This will select all elements with the class of number in the context of this. It's the same as doing $(this).find('.number').val()

 else if(isNaN($(this).hasClass('number').val())) {

should be

 else if($(this).hasClass('number') && isNaN($(this).val())) {

$(this).hasClass('number') returns a boolean as far as I know, so you can't chain it.

Also you might want consider caching the jquery object so that it doesn't have to create the object over and over again.

Simply putting $this = $(this) inside your method and referring to $this will improve your performance a wee bit.

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