So it's the first time I'm trying to use the google reCAPTCHA v3 (actually it's the first time I'm using any kind of captcha).

I followed the documentation and a very basic tutorial. What I understand is that I should be able to see the token in my browser inspector.

The first issue is that i can see the logo on the bottom right of my screen, but there is definitely no token in my input.

The second issue comes from the browser console which indicates 3 kind of errors.

I'm working with Symfony Framework on a local environment. Any clue would be much appreciated !

My twig & javascript files

Browser screenshot

Content-Security-Policy issues

1 Answer 1


So i figured out how to get the token....

I just had to remove those lines in the js file:

function onclick(e) {

I still didn't find about the Content-Policy issues.

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