After the recent Eclipse update (Version 4.17.0, Build 20200910-1200) the syntax highlighting for Javascript files is not working any longer. Furthermore the *.js file association and the Textmate section are missing in the preferences.

Does anybody experience similar problems?

  • I googled it for you ... bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=564496 ... seems to be 4.16 where this stopped working (something about standalone js editor or something) anyway, read that, follow some links, you may find an answer Commented Sep 18, 2020 at 6:29
  • That wasn't the problem but thx anyway :-) ... Figured it out myself in the meantime. With the recent update to 4.17 the Wild Web Developer (responsible for JS support since 4.15) was just missing and I had to reinstall it manually.
    – omanthey
    Commented Sep 18, 2020 at 6:52
  • 1
    What were you running before the update?
    – nitind
    Commented Sep 18, 2020 at 11:04
  • Wild Web Developer that was originally delivered with 2020-06/09. Why it did not work after the JDK15 update I can not say.
    – omanthey
    Commented Sep 18, 2020 at 18:42