In the latest version of the Anomaly Detection Service by Azure which supports the Multi-variate Cognitive Service, we need to train a model and then consume it.

The quickstart documentation for Python mentions a few libraries which are not getting imported:

from azure.ai.anomalydetector.models import DetectionRequest, ModelInfo

Both these libraries are throwing import errors. How can we use the Multivariate Anomaly Detection Service using the Python SDK?

1 Answer 1

Answer recommended by Microsoft Azure Collective

This error was with version azure-ai-anomalydetector==3.0.0b2. With version azure-ai-anomalydetector==3.0.0b3, this has been addressed.

The problem is because of the change of the response format recently. To solve that issue, you can change the line with error to

model_status = self.ad_client.get_multivariate_model(trained_model_id).model_info.status

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