I'm new to nextjs, I'm trying to send data to server - with axios - I got the response correct, but I don't see the data send with POST request at network dev tools at chrome. Is there anyway I can see the requests of my application.

4 Answers 4


Make sure that All or Fetch/XHR are selected on the network tab. It should look something like this. You should be able to see your requests provided they are sending.enter image description here


Maybe you should try following the steps:

  1. Is your network recorder on? If not make sure to turn it on. chrome dev image showing network recorder
  2. make sure filter and search fields is clear
  3. fetch/xhr is selected

Make sure you don't have blocked requests checked. So verify the following,

  1. All or Fetch/XHR is selected
  2. Record Network is ON (Left Red icon with clear icon)
  3. Blocked Requests in unchecked

enter image description here


Browser dev tools network tab shows only client requests(react.js is a client library and all requests are made from client). In next.js you make requests from server(and it is good if you don't see requests in your browser, it means your requests are not duplicated from server and client). To inspect your requests on server you need to log(you can use libraries or simple console.log).

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